Day Twenty-one [Edited]

Start from the beginning

They have a meeting with a lot of major people and they didn’t want to chase kids. Normally Kira would baby-sit but as Cameron’s fiancé she wanted to accompany him. I was sitting on the couch watching as mom, dad and Cameron shifted for the camera. Everyone went wild with excitement and some with fear.

There will always be people against it, that consider it a crime against nature, but there will also be people who are excited and want to take part in the development and practice of using the project 3761. I heard a commotion in the other room and got up to check on the kids. Justin was asleep in his playpen where I left him. Evianna and Grayson were upset and told me that Emily had shifted and was stuck as a snow leopard.

I didn’t know what to do; Ash hadn’t arrived yet but was due anytime so I started trying to get everyone to calm down. I first told Grayson and Evianna that things were okay and that they should go back to playing. I then took Emily into the living room with me and sat her in front of cartoons. I figured it would take her mind off being stuck and she would relax enough to shift back.

Emily still hadn’t shifted back an hour later when Ash showed up. I explained to him the situation and how I had tried to get her to relax. We sat there trying to help her shift back by explaining the process and trying to get her to remember how to do it. By midnight she still hadn’t shifted and I’m sure she was exhausted.

Ash decided it was time to bring in the big guns. He is technically an alpha so he was going to try and use it to get her to shift. It doesn’t always work when the other wolf isn’t a member of the pack. He looked Emily in the eye and used a stern voice to order her to shift back. We thought it didn’t work until a few minutes later when she slowly started to change.

Once Emily fully shifted and all the kids were in bed we called Beta Alexander to ask him about the weird occurrence. At first he didn’t know how to help, then he said they did have the problem before. Sometimes they have trouble connecting with their wolf. It can be from a number of things like being close to a mate and unable to truly sense them or being under a lot of stress. It also can just happen randomly. The authority in the alpha’s voice helps get it in line so they can regain control over their wolves.

“You know, as alpha, I can initiate a wolf into our pack.”

“I know, who are you thinking of adding?”

“Well, the triplets are two years old and aged like four, I think we should initiate them and become a shifter pack instead of a werewolf pack.”

“Why do you want them?”

“I know that they will want a pack at some point and that there is no werecat pack around here. If they join us it will be easier for them to get help and for us to offer the help. I think it can do them some good.”

“Are you going to ask my parents?”

“Of course, I have to, I just wanted to run it by you. You’re my fiancé and the luna of my pack. I was late here because I was discussing it with my dad. He agrees that it could be a very good idea.”

“It will be a lot better without feeling like crap that I am in a pack and they aren’t.” I felt relieved with the idea the triplets would be in our pack. They are family and I am high up in the pack. When they came of age I would have felt bad. I would feel like I chose Ash and the pack over my family.

April 15th, 2018

Addyson POV

The triplets joined the pack today. We did the ceremony like usual but had to do it three different times because if they sift together it normally means they are claiming each other as mates and that is not the case. We did the ceremonies back to back and then spent the night partying and celebrating the new addition to the pack.

A few of the people who hadn’t heard of them or seen them were very curious about what it was like to shift into a feline instead of a wolf. They wanted to know how it felt and how different it was to be a feline and not a wolf. We were out till early hours of the morning before we headed back to get them in bed.

April 29th, 2018

Addyson POV

This is my second wedding this year. Today uncle Cameron and aunt Kira are getting married. They asked Ash and I to be in their wedding as well as my parents and Kira’s brother Blaine and his wife and daughter.

I am walking down the Aisle following Blaine and his wife. I can see Uncle Cameron waiting at the altar looking nervous. He truly loves Kira and it makes me very happy to see how many people around me have found love. It is such a beautiful thing.

As I walked towards Uncle Cameron I couldn’t help but dwell on the fact I wish this was my wedding. I cant wait to walk down the aisle for real. I know it will happen one day, I’m already engaged, it just seems like it is taking too long. As I reached the front and turned to face the crowd I saw mom and dad advancing as the maid of honor and best man. They look so happy together, it’s not even their wedding day but they look happy enough it could be.

Behind my parents Grayson walked as ring bearer with Evianna, Emily and Blaine’s daughter Sophia. They looked so cute in their pink and white flower girl dresses. As they dropped flowers and lead the way for the bride you could hear their giggles drifting across the room.

As Kira followed them she was grinning at their childishness. Kira has always wanted children but insisted on waiting until she was married. Now she will be married and able to start building her family. It is very exciting to know that Aunt Kira is able to make a move towards her goal of having a family.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now