This is True Happiness - Drabble #16

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The room instantly went quiet, and the typical wedding music been playing in the background as the venue doors slowly began to open. Hinata felt his heart begin to race again, standing frozen in place and on the verge of not breathing, until his eyes laid upon Komaeda.

Instantly, his eyes went wide.

Komaeda looked absolutely stunning. He wore a white tuxedo with a black dress shirt underneath, and his hair was long enough to be braided a little before it was tied off. He walked down the aisle with a smile that showed excitement, yet fear, as he tried his best to keep his gaze from looking down.

The closer he came to the alter, the louder the little voice in Hinata's head said "This is happening, this is happening, oh god this is happening".

He didn't even notice when Komaeda made it to the alter until he felt him grab his hands. He looked up, and Komaeda smiled at him, his faced flushed red as he squeezed his hands in reassurance.

The music quieted down to a stop, and the old man coughed has he cleared his throat. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Hinata Hajime and Komaeda Nagito in holy matrimony..."

From there, Hinata blocked out the rest of what was being said, his entire focus being on Komaeda and trying to keep him nerves down. It must have been pretty damn obvious that he was nervous, for occasionally Komaeda would squeeze his hand in reassurance and widen his smile a bit. It helped a lot.

"Now, the two of you will exchange wedding vows." The old man's voice suddenly came to as Hinata focused on his surroundings once more. The two let go of each other's hands as they reach for their written vows. Hinata licked his lips as he read over his vows once more in his head, before looking up to face Komaeda.

Komaeda cleared his throat, looking down at his own paper that was visibly shaking. He took a deep breathe before starting.

"Hajime, I still remember the day we first meet each other as if it were yesterday, in the empty playground located at the front of our houses on a hot summer day. And at first, I thought you would only be there for a split second, before disappearing entirely from my life, like so many other people did. But I was wrong. Never did I think I would be lucky enough to have someone so hopeful like you in my life, who also managed to give me something to hope for too, for once. All I can say is thank you, Hajime, for giving someone like me a chance, when no one else would. Please, don't forget, from the bottom of my heart, I love you."

A strange wailing sound came from the seats, followed by a "Shut up, you disgusting pig bitch!" as the rest of the room burst into applause, some people even dabbing at their eyes with a tissue. Hinata felt the corner of his eyes prick, and he had to resist the urge to jump on Komaeda and hug the life out of him. It was only when the room quieted down that Hinata realized that it was his turn.

"U-Um." Hinata fiddled with his paper, looking down at the words that he had practiced saying so many times for the past month, before finally finding his voice and starting.

"Nagito, even as you stand in front of me, in front of our closest friends and my family, I still can't believe I'm about to marry the person I've known since I was an 8 year old. From the moment I first saw you swinging on the swing set all by yourself, I knew that you were gonna be someone special to me. At the time, I had a strange feeling that I had never had before, and I didn't know what feeling was. I was so confused for the longest time. Until, many years later, I found out exactly what it was; it was love. I always felt as if we brought the best out of each other, and I know for a fact that my life would have turned out completely different if I had never meet you. I treasure every single moment I have you, because I wouldn't have wanted to live a life where I never knew you. I'll always be by your side when you need me the most. I love you Nagito, and I hope you never, ever forget that."

There was a moment of silence, before the room once again erupted into applause and even some tissue blowing. Hinata let out a sigh of relief, before turning towards Komaeda, who's eyes seemed to be glossy and his where lips pressed together, almost as if he was trying to keep himself from bursting into tears. Hinata held his hands again, this time giving them a squeeze and a smile.

"And now, for the exchanging of the rings." A pillow holding the two wedding rings on top was passed down, from Nanami (who had been holding the pillow) and then to Hinata. He grabbed one ring while Komaeda grabbed the other before the pillow was passed back to Nanami again. Gently taking Komaeda's hand, Hinata slipped on the silver glistening ring on to his left ring finger as Komaeda did the same thing to him, and then holding hands once more and facing the old man.

"Do you, Hinata Hajime, take Komaeda Nagito to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Komaeda Nagito, take Hinata Hajime to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Hinata held his breath.

"... I do."

At that very moment, Hinata felt as if he would burst into tears in relief.

"If there is anyone in the audience who objects to this marriage, then speak now or forever hold your piece."

No one spoke out.

"Then I pronounce you two as husbands, you may now kiss."

And just like that, they were a married couple. Almost like magnets, the two instantly pulled into a passionate kiss, as the everyone cheered and applauded and cried at the sweet reunion.

Hinata didn't know for how long they had been kissing for, but he didn't care. He and Komaeda were now officially together. His one true love, who he had grown up with and fallen in love with, was finally his.

When he opened his eyes, he saw see tears of joy going down Komaeda's face. He wiped them away as Komaeda opened his eyes, and proceeded to wiped away the tears that Hinata didn't know we're streaming down his face as well.

They both smiled. They knew that this was now their future together. This was true hope.

This was true happiness.

Forever and Always - KomaHina DrabblesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant