Chapter 22

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(Photo credits to Smart_unicorn42103 )

(Just wanted to say thank you all for 1.61K readers!! I love you all!!!)
  Alyssa's pov
               It's Thursday and I don't want to go to school at all. All weekend, after I got back from Sam's house, I stayed in my room. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, nothing. I decided I should get ready for school now, so I got up and put on a black sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, and my black combat boots, I put on a lot of bracelets, cause I've been cutting again. I brushed my hair, and teeth, I put makeup on, grabbed my phone, and went down the stairs. I didn't eat anything as usual and I went to school.

          I put my things in my locker and I started walking to my first period class when someone stopped me. I looked up to see it was Kaitlyn. "Alyssa, what's wrong?? You've barely talked to anybody me, and when you do talk you're really quiet. I'm worried about you Alyssa." She looked at me with a worried expression. "Don't worry about it." I said and shrugged it off. I walked away as fast as I could, and went to class. "Alyssa, Sammie, DeAnna, and Kaitlyn to the office." A lady over the intercom said. I went to the office and the principle called us into the office. "Girls, I hate to interrupt your day, but the guys that kidnapped you girls, they escaped today. So you girls have to go home and stay there until these guys are found and put back into prison." The principle said. I couldn't help but smile. Not because I'm leaving school early but because Luke is out. Our parents soon arrived and we all went home. I went straight to my room, and laid in bed. I'm exhausted. Soon after I fell into a deep sleep.
*****4 hours later*****

            I woke up to something hitting my window. It was now night. I walked over to my window and looked down to see a tall black figure standing on the ground. Who is that??

A/N- hey guys I'm really sorry that I haven't updated. I feel really bad that I haven't updated, but I've been really busy and under a lot of stress. Anyways I hope you enjoyed my little Cliffordhanger 😂  I love you all and I will update as soon as possible.

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