Chapter 6

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        Alyssa's pov
                    Finally the concert started and 5SOS was on the stage. "YAY FINALLY!!!!" I yelled really excited. "IVE BEEN WAITING FOREVER!!!!!!!" Sam yelled back. "Ok guys the first song is she looks so perfect." Luke said. Omg I swear it just seemed like Luke looked at me. I must be going crazy. They finished the first song and played 6 more songs after that they had a meet and greet. Me and Sam rushed to the back and we were the 3rd in Line we waited until we seen the boys come up to the table. Sam and I were so excited. The first 2 people were really fast, so we were up there in no time. They all signed there autographs am we asked if we could get a selfie with them. "Sure." They said in unison. We took a selfie then we hugged them and said goodbye. I swear Luke said I will see you later, but I guess I'm just hearing things. I turned back around and caught Luke staring at us I smiled and continued on my way.
            Sam and I got to the car where DeAnna and Aaliyah were waiting for us. We talked about how we all had a great time and how much fun it was. I decided on not telling them about what I think Luke said. Finally we drove up to my house and o got out of the car. "Bye guys I will see you on Monday." I said as I walked to my front door. I walked inside and went to my room. I was exhausted so I decided on going to bed.
**************Time Skip****************
           It's now Sunday morning and I have no plans. I got dressed and put some makeup on. I looked at my phone and I don't have any notifications. I went downstairs and ate some toast. I finally decided on going to the mall. When I got to the mall I went into hot topic I got some black veil brides, my chemical romance,Pierce the veil, and 5SOS shirts. I walked out of there and I decided I want my lip pierced so I went to another store and got spider bites. I love them by the time I got done shopping it was already 9:30 so I decided on going home.

              When I got home I decided on taking a shower and going to bed. I took a shower,got in bed, and checked my Instagram I seen that I got a follow request from...........5SOS!!!!!!!! OMG I CANY BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING. I quickly accepted it an texted Sam I told Sam that they sent me a follow request. She quickly replied back and said they sent her one too. I told her I will see her tomorrow and goodnight. She told me goodnight and I went to bed.
*************Time Skip**************
                It's now Friday, the day of the party. I have to sneak out though because my mom told me I couldn't go. I'm going to wear a knee high red dress with tights underneath, a black leather jacket, and combat boots. Sam is going to wear a blue knee high dress, with tights underneath,and combat boots. DeAnna is going to wear a black and red spaghetti strapped crop top with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans,and black vans. Aaliyah is going to wear a black crop top,black skinny jeans, and blank converse shoes. And finally James and Kaleb are going to wear the usual. School finally ended and I headed home so I can do my makeup. When I got home I put on gold eyeshadow,eyeliner,mascara,foundation,and red lipstick. I loosely curled my long black hair. It was 6:30 when I finished. I put my phone on charged and went to go figure out what purse I want to bring. I was going to bring a small black leather purse. I put money,extra lipstick,and y phone in the purse. But I still had 3 hours and 30 minutes till Sam came and picked me up.
***********Time Skip************
            It was finally 11:30 and Sam should be here any mi- *honk honk* she's here. I jumped out my window and landed in a bush. I hurried and ran to the front of the house. "Why didn't you just come out the front door??" DeAnna asked. "Because my mom would wake up because the stairs creak when I go down them." I said. "Oh well that makes sense."  DeAnna said wile Sam drove off. College party here we come!!!!!!!!

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