Chapter 19

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Alyssa's pov
Nobody died in the fight. That's good I guess. I sat in my room all alone until there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said. I looked over at the door and seen Luke walk in. "What?" I asked. "I was just making sure that tour alright." He said. "Oh, yeah I'm fine." I said. Its nice to know he actually cares. "Are you sure??" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine I swear." I said getting annoyed. "Sorry, I just really care about you." He said. "I care about you too." I said. Wait, did I just say I care about Luke. I looked up at Luke and I seen that he had a shock written all over his face. I bet I looked the same way. "I got to pee!!" I yelled while getting up and running out the door. I hurried to the bathroom and sat on the floor. 'Do I really care about Luke??', 'He kidnapped me and my friends why would I like him?' I thought to myself. I decided to go get something to eat and just go to bed. I got something to eat and I went to sleep thinking if I really cared about Luke.
******Two Months Later**********
(Sorry for the time skip)
Me and Kaleb have been dating for 1 month and 2 weeks now. But he's been acting really strange lately. It was a normal day, but nobody has really been talking to me. Not even Luke. I went to the kitchen and got something to eat. Then I went back upstairs. I sat in my room watching a horror movie in my room. I heard a knock on my door, "Come in." I said. Kaleb walked through the door. I paused my movie. "Hey." I said. "Hey......." He said. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, really its just... Alyssa." He sat down on my bed. "Im sorry, but I can't go out with you anymore, there is someone else." He said, my heart broke with every word he said. "Its not you its me." He said trying to comfort me. He tried to pull me into a hug, but I pushed him away. "Don't touch me!!" I yelled. "Alyssa, please don't be upset." He pleaded. "Get out!!" I yelled. "Im sorry he said as he left the room. I put my face in my pillow and let my tears flow. I cried and I cried until someone finally cane into my room. "Alyssa?!?!" Someone yelled. I looked up from my pillow and seen that it was Luke who cane into my room. "Go away Luke." I whispered. "Im not going anywhere." He said. A loud son escaped my lips. Luke walked over to me and laid down beside me. He scoot closer so that I was laying right next to him and he wrapped me in his arms and stroked my hair. "Its going to be alright." He whispered. I cried until darkness consumed me. "I love you." Is the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

Luke's pov
Kaleb. Im going to kill him. I ran down the stairs, and I came to a complete stop when I see Kaleb sucking the maid's face off. "Burd, Im going to kill you." This seemed to catch their attention. I walked up to Kaleb and picked him up by the collar of his shirt. "Why would you do that??" I yelled. "Do what??" He asked acting clueless. "You know what you did you bastard!!" I yelled. "I never really loved her, I just wanted to see her hurt." He said. I punched him in the face. "She deserves it, shes a worthless little piece of shit." He spat. I dropped him to the ground and started punching him over and over. I heard the maid scream. I heard footsteps coming up the basement stairs and down the stairs. "Luke!!" I heard the guys yell. I didn't notice that there was blood on my knuckles until the guys pulled me away from a bloody and bruised Kaleb. "What was that about man?!?!" Calum asked me. "He hurt Alyssa, so he's going to pay." I said. "I think he's paid the price dude." Mikey said. I looked over at Kaleb and walked over to him and kicked him in the stomach. "You're never going to hurt her again." I said before I picked Kaleb up and I threw him out the door. "You tell anyone about any of this I will hunt you down and I will kill you, and I'm not joking." I said before I slammed the door and I turned to the maid. "Go down to the basement, you disgust me." I said and she ran down the basement stairs.

"You can go back to your lives now." I spat before I headed back to Alyssa's room. I opened the door and she wasn't in there but I saw broken plastic on the ground. I walked all over the house and I couldn't find her. The only place I didn't look was the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Alyssa are you in there??" I asked. "Yeah." She replied. "Are you ok??" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute." She said. "Ok Ill be out here." I said. I heard pills being spilled And I heard a piece of metal drop. I broke down the door and I saw something I never wanted to see. I saw Alyssa laying there blood covering her arms, legs and throat. And there was just 3 pills on the ground. I picked her up bridal-style and I ran down stairs. "Guys Help!!! Please Help!!!" I yelled. Everyone ran down the stairs. "Omg Lyss!!!" everyone yelled. I ran out the door and got in the car. I know we are wanted, but if I get arrested. I know Alyssa will be alright. I drove to the hospital as fast as I could and when I got there I yelled. "Help!!! Help anyone help!!!" Doctors ran out of the building as fast as they could and took Alyssa out of my arms. She looked lifeless. They took her into the building and I ran to catch up they brought her into a room. "Im sorry sir you can't come in here." A nurse said. "No I have to be in there with her." I said. "Sir, if you don't wait in the waiting room. Im going to have to call the cops." I did what the nurse said and I went and waited in the waiting room. I'm so glad nobody has recognized me. I turned to see to women looking at me and whispering. They recognized me. Hopefully I can at least stay till I know Alyssa is alright.
******2 Hours Later*******
  "George Thomas??" The doctor asked. I had to go under a fake name so they wouldn't turn me in. "Alyssa is ok, but she needs to rest." The doctor said. "Ok." I said impatiently. "Can I see her??" I asked. "Yes, you can." He said. I walked into the room and Alyssa was laying in the hospital bed with stitches on her neck, her arms and legs wrapped up, and IVs in her arms. I wanted to cry at the sight but I decided to get my cool, because Alyssa could wake up any minute and I wanted to be strong for her. 10 minutes later Alyssa finally started waking up. "Luke?" She asked when she finally got her eyes open. "Alyssa!!" I said excitedly. I wanted to hug her so bad but I didn't want to hurt her. More than she already was. So I just held her hand. "Alyssa, why would you do that??" I asked. "Because I loved Kaleb, and he made me feel like nothing, and worthless." She said on the verge of tears. "No, no honey, you're not worthless and you're something. You're my world, and you're the light in my dark world. Please don't cry, baby girl. This will all get better I promise. I love you so much." I said. "I love you too Luke." She said as a tear ran down her face. I wiped away the tear with my thumb before it could fall. She leaned up and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at her. Then the doctor came in the room. "Alyssa is free to go today, but she needs to rest, take medications, and drink a lot of water. She will heal a lot faster if she does. And she needs to be back in 2 weeks to get her stitches out." The doctor said. "Ok thank you doctor." I said as Alyssa got into a wheel chair and I rolled her to the front desk. "Ok Alyssa you are ready to go home. But first can you sign this??" The lady said. "Yeah." Alyssa replied. Alyssa signed the paper and before we could go the lady asked "Are you guys dating, cause you guys are like the cutest couple ever." "Oh um n- "yes, yes we are and thank you." Alyssa said interrupting me. I looked down at her to see she was already looking up at me. I smiled down at her and she smiled back. "You're welcome and bye guys." The lady said as she went back to her work. "So we're dating now?" I asked Alyssa. "Yes." She replied. I almost jumped up and down when she said it. When we got back home, everybody jumped up when they saw me and Alyssa walk into the door. "OMG ALYSSA ARE YOU OKAY?!?!" Ravyn yelled. "There's no need to yell Ravyn." Alyssa said. "I know." Ravyn said. "Ok, just making sure." Alyssa said.

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