Chapter 21

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(Sorry I haven't updated guys)
Sam's pov
I can't believe this happened. Gabriel and Aiden seemed like really good guys, then Gabriel turned out to be a fucking rapist, and Aiden turned out to be a jerk. I hope Alyssa isn't hurt. How did she escape anyways She was on the second floor? Wait, did she jump out the window?? I looked over at Alyssa and she was sleeping peacefully. I don't think she's hurt. I looked back at the road and soon arrived at my house. Alyssa is staying here tonight.

     "Alyssa, we're at my house get up." I whispered while shaking her. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around. "Come on let's go." I said while opening my door. Shortly after Alyssa opened her door and we walked inside my house. I have a two story house, but I live alone. My mom, dad, and brother was here until they moved to America. I refused to go with them, because my friends were here. "Where am I sleeping??" Alyssa quietly asked. I've never heard her be this quiet before. "I'll show you." I said guiding her to my room. We got to my room and I opened the door. "You'll sleep in here." I said. "Isn't this your room??" She whispered. "Yeah but you can sleep here and I'll sleep in my brothers room." I said. "I can sleep in your brothers room." She quietly protested. "Alyssa, you're not going to win this." I said as I walked out and shut the door. "Goodnight Alyssa." I said through the door. "Goodnight." She said softly. I feel like she is going to be really different from now on.

(A/N- sorry for not updating guys I've been really busy and there is a lot going on right now. Sorry for the shirt chapter also. I love you guys soooo much and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!"

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