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"Let's also not forget that she's been through a lot, you guys just can't gang up on her and confront her about this." Emma argues whiles Kieran wraps his arm around Emma's waist.

"What else are we supposed to do?" Brooke asks, while Emma didn't respond.

Knowing well, that they had to talk to Alex Verona.


Alex felt uneasy. She entered her home, no one was inside except for her cat whom she loved dearly. She heard Salem's bell ring as the black cat ran towards her. She rubbed her eyes, still feeling dry tears stain her cheeks.

Her heels clicked as she was walking towards the kitchen, seeing someone she has been ignoring for quite some time. She licked her lips, and stared blankly at Jake Fitzgerald.

"What are you doing here?" she asks out of curiosity as she places her bag onto the couch, walking towards him.

"You've been ignoring me for days, plus Brooke said she saw you with Michael not once, but twice, which sounds completely insane because I don't know... you despise him?" Jake questions, filled with worry about his girlfriend.

"Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer." Alex states, as she grabs a red apple and takes a bite from the counter.

"What's going on with you?." he questions, as he walks towards her.

"I'm quite tired, think I'm just going to sleep." Alex yawns as she grabs her bag as she walks towards the living room with Jake following behind her.

"I'm serious... what's going on?" Jake tells her softly, as he leans on her door while Alex carefully places her bag beside her.

"I don't know what you want Jake, what exactly do you want me to say? Everything is different now." she responds, looking down at her shoes.

Then arrived Brooke, Audrey, Emma, Noah and Kieran into Alex's home while Alex scoffs. "What is this a reunion?"

"We should talk." Jake starts while Alex lets out another scoff, shaking her head. "And what exactly is there to talk about? Please, enlighten me."

"Cut the sarcastic bitch remarks Alex, we know you. This isn't you." Audrey spats out, while Noah's eyes widen over her comment.

"What am I supposed to say? I'm tired of having to feel like I have to have everything together when I don't! He's dead! My life is falling apart..." Alex starts, you could hear the hurt in her voice.

Everyone went quiet.

"I have no family, my dad wasn't perfect but he was my dad! My only family!" tears flowed down her face as Alex started to yell.

"Talk to us, let us help you..." Noah adds, while Alex starts wiping away her tears with her sleeve.

"How can you help?! This is truth!" Alex yells at Noah, everyone was quiet.

"No one's telling you to be perfect, Alex." Audrey responds, while the brunette shook her head.

"There's nothing here for me in Lakewood! Please, just make it stop... I'm tired of having everyone dying! It hurts... I have no one." Alex cries out, while everyone was listening to what Alex has to say.

"You have me, Alex." Jake walks closer to Alex, as he pulls her in a hug. "You have me, you have all of us." he mentions, as he glances over at the group of friends.

"I can't do this anymore." the brunette weeps, her eyes red from the tears.

"Yes you can, you are strong, Alex." Brooke adds, as she tries to walk closer to her best friend

"I'm not strong at all! Look at me! I break easily! I'm just a girl! This shouldn't happen to me! This hurts so much, every day, it haunts me!" Alex lets out, as she wipes away her tears, then falling onto the ground, crying more.

Brooke glances over at Jake, then sat beside Alex on the ground. "It's okay to break, to cry. We are all human, we don't expect you to be fine about this. We just want to help you."

"If we didn't have that stupid fight he would've been alive! My dad would be here with me! It's all my fault." she sniffles, shaking her head, letting out more tears.

"No, it isn't, Alex! None of this is your fault." Emma tells her, while Alex covers her face as she continues to let everything out.

"We're going to catch this son of a bitch, aren't we?" Jake asks the group while Noah shook his head, knowing well that mentioning hunting a killer isn't the greatest approach.

"Why do I keep losing people? My mom doesn't want anything to do with me! My dad is gone... and he's not coming back. Fuck sakes we lost Nina, Tyler, Riley, Will and even Rachel! The killer always wins, he always wins." she sobs, continuing to wipe away her hot tears from her puffed up red face.

"I don't deserve to be here... alive. It should've been me instead of my dad." Alex continues, while Brooke began to cry, pulling Alex into a hug.

"Don't say that, you are going to get through this Verona." Audrey tries to give a pep talk, then Noah tries to give some advice. "You just have to believe in yourself, it's lame advice but it's accurate."

"What if I don't?" Alex looks up at Audrey and Noah, then Jake lowers to her level, not taking his eyes off of her.

"You are the woman that I love, you are strong and I know you can get through this. You can get through anything, you are Alex Verona. Since when do Verona's give up?"

"Audrey and Jake are right, everyone is. You shouldn't give up." Kieran adds, while Alex closes her eyes.

"There's only one Verona left, and she's walking on a fine line of giving up." Alex whispers to herself, as she wipes away her own tears.

"You're missing my point. You never give up, you shouldn't give up now. Your father died loving you, he did everything to protect you! You know what? You still have a family! Your family is right here. We love you no matter what! Family doesn't have anything to do with blood." Jake explains, he gently touches her cheek, wiping away that single tear.

"You don't just stop living when you lose somebody."


NOTES: i've been trying to update more but it's been hard with school and all but i appreciate to many people who are sticking with this book because i love every single one of you guys. you guys are amazing and i apologize for such a shitty chapter, i just feel like i can't write anymore, my mind has gone blank when i write with the amount of stress i've been going through, im putting all of my stories on hold, except maybe this one.
I need to put my mental health first above all so I hope you understand, that my updates will be very slow

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