part fifty

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Lauren’s POV




I could hear Emily’s voice getting louder, my head and stomach were killing me. Eventually I flicked my eyes open, the car had tipped over and we were hanging upside down, Emily’s head was bleeding, blood running down from her forehead down into her hair line, I soon remembered everything that had happened, I felt like I had been out of it for hours. “Emily...” My voice was weak, “Oh my god thank god you’re okay,”

“I wouldn’t say okay yet,” She looked so guilty

“Emily we need to swap places, you can’t get in trouble for this again,”

“No Lauren I can’t let you take the fall for me,”

“I don’t care, will you just do what I say for once, we need to somehow swap places and then call an ambulance.”  After multiple attempts of trying to swap over we finally did, Emily’s phone just about survived so she called for help. I could barely keep my eyes open, help needed to get here soon, the sight of the smashed window and outdoors was soon replaced with darkness once again.

Emily’s POV

“I can’t believe this,” I cried into Niall’s shoulder as I was sat in an ambulance, he pulled me in tight, my head pressed against his chest, as Lauren was wheeled into another ambulance Harry running after the stretcher, I could see clearly he was shouting but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. How could I have done this to her, to him? I can’t believe I let myself get like this again I had stopped drinking, I could handle one drink, but I was just back to how was when I was a kid. I was better, I got better, now everything was ruined, she was going to be okay, she had to be okay.

Harry’s POV

On the way to the hospital I tried talking to Lauren; clearly she wasn’t in the best state to talk. I knew something wasn’t right, she managed to tell me she was driving, saw something in the road and tried not to hit it, I could tell she was lying, she wasn’t telling me something and I was going to get it out of her. I was met at the hospital by her family; her mum was in tears, her dad trying to stay strong clearly. Anita pulled me into a hug, crying into my shoulder, I held back my tears, there is no way I was crying, I needed too but I couldn’t, I needed to be strong for Lauren, I needed to support her. The doctors came and told us she needed to be monitored because the pressure on her brain was very high from where she hit it.

Emily’s POV

I couldn’t face seeing her family, I hurt their daughter, their sister, how could I face them? I stayed in my room; Niall was of course with me and never left my bedside, he tried joking around, trying to cheer me up, but there was no way I would cheer up until I knew Lauren was safe and okay. “Hey,” I heard Harry’s faint, almost silent voice at the door, “Hi, how is she?” I tried to smile at him but I failed, I couldn’t look him in the eye and act normal. “Apparently the pressure on brain is really high and she needs to be monitored, they said it will be almost a miracle if she turns out okay.” Oh my god! What have I done?


“Babe you haven’t seen much of Lauren aren’t you going to visit her?” Niall asked, “I’m finding it really hard to see her like that, lying there in that hospital bed pretty much lifeless,” I choked up on my last few words, Niall rushed over to the bed and pulled me into a hug, “It’s gonna be okay, she’s gonna be okay,” I left a kiss on my head .

Niall’s POV

I stayed with Emily pretty much 24/7 in her room, she didn’t go out and see Lauren that much and I didn’t leave her by herself as her family weren’t here. Emily was so hurt, you could see that Lauren being hurt like this was killing her, I could only imagine what she is feeling.

Harry’s POV

I never left Lauren’s room, I couldn’t, what if she woke up and I wasn’t there? What if something bad happened and I wasn’t there? I hadn’t showered, been home, spoke to anyone in days. I just sat in his crumby old chair, sleeping every so often. Lauren’s family were here a lot, mainly her mum, she just cried a lot, it was horrible seeing her like that, I barely knew the woman but I couldn’t bare seeing her this hurt.


It had been a week, no movement, no response, nothing. “Harry, come out here please,” Anita called me out of Lauren’s room “I am so sorry to say this love...” Anita began to cry, she couldn’t even finish her sentence so Paul carried on for her, “I’m sorry mate but we have no choice other than to turn off her machine, we don’t want too, but it’s best for her, she won’t be in pain anymore.” But she’ll be gone. I left her family to do what they needed to do before I went and saw her.


I sat down in the chair I had become oh so used too. “Hey baby,” I took her hand in mine. “Well I don’t really know what to say, I can’t believe you are gone, it’s not fair, why do I have to lose you? I know the accident wasn’t your fault, I know it wasn’t. I need you to know now, that I love you and I have never loved anyone the way I love you, I never will love anyone the way I love you, I was going to give this too you when I got back but, I guess our plans got ruined again,” I pulled out the burgundy velvet box and pulled it open. There it was, I slipped the ring onto her finger, like I would have done. “You promised me we would have next Valentine’s Day together, you promised me!" I shouted almost sounding angry, I wasn't though I was just broken "And now you’re gone, what am I going to do now aye?” The tears falling from my eyes were overwhelming me, I could barely speak. I placed my head down on the bed crying over her “I know you hate goodbyes so I’ll call this a see you later,” I kissed her hand and gently placed it back down on the pale blue sheets of her hospital bed. I made my way to the door and turned back one last time, “I love you,“ I almost whispered. As I turned to see Emily with only a few scratches I was overwhelmed with anger taking over my sadness, why did she get to be okay? Why did I lose Lauren when she only got a few scratches? “You,” I walked closer, “This is your fault!” I all of a sudden I felt two large hands on my arms pulling me back, “Harry stop!” It was Liam. “You did this!” I pointed my finger as close to her as possible, I didn’t even care about her emotional state, this was her doing I know it was. “Lauren was driving mate, it wasn’t Emily’s fault,” Liam’s calm voice flooded through my ears but had no effect. "You did this, You did that to her her!" I threw my hand back pointing to Lauren's room "I know, it was you!” I lunged forward again to get closer to her but was instantly pulled back.

“I hate you,”

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