part thirtyseven

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Lauren’s POV

I turned back at Emily confused and she had the biggest grin on her face. She knew exactly what was going on. “You two have fun!” Emily walked off looking back every so often still smiling, when she was just a blob in the distance I walked up to Harry still standing in the doorway smiling at me. “Hello miss Martin.”

“Hi,” My tone completely different to his, I walked straight past him into the coffee house, it truly looked amazing in here, candles, flowers, it looked beautiful. He joined me in my favourite place still smiling, “Is there something wrong with your face? You can’t stop smiling Styles.” He rolled his eyes at me but surprise, surprise he still had that ridiculous grin on his face. He lead me to my favourite table, there were more candles on the table, a plate of sandwiches and brownies and mugs of tea. Living the life of luxury aye. “Lauren,” Oh god here it comes a massive speech. “I know I have said sorry a hundred times, but I honestly am, I hate the thought of you being hurt and knowing I caused that pain is horrible, you are honestly the most amazing girl I have met, you are lovely, funny, gorgeous, everything I could want and you make me so happy, I know I have only known you a month but you are a big part of my life and I don’t want to lose you, don’t let me go, I know I can make you happy if you just give me a chance.” Before he even gave me a chance to reply he stood up, he went up to the counter and pressed something on his phone. He wasn’t going to sing was he? I was going to be an emotional wreck by the end of tonight.

Harry’s POV

I had to do it. I wrote her this in the space of two days, it may not be the most amazing song, but it was for her. The intro started playing from my phone, it was now or never. “Now you were standing there right in front of me, I hold on it's getting harder to breathe.”

Lauren’s POV

He was singing, singing to me. A boy was singing to me. Harry Styles was singing to me. I could feel my eyes filling with tears as he sang more of this beautiful song. “I’ll keep my eyes wide open, I’ll keep my arms wide open, Don’t let me, Don’t let me, Don’t let me go.” I couldn’t hold in my tears anymore, I let them fall down my cheeks uncontrollably, probably looking like a complete mess. “Don't let me go, Cause I'm tired of feeling alone, Don't let me, Don't let me go, Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone.” Before I let him speak, or even let myself properly think, I shot up out of my seat and kissed him. I had been wanting, needing to do that since I left. I rested my forehead on his panting after our embrace. “Thank you,” I whispered our face still only centimetres apart. “For what?”

“For making me realize I should have forgiven you before.” He smiled as he kissed me again picking me up making me giggling into the kiss. I had missed him so much, what was I thinking before? Thinking I shouldn’t forgive him. Things weren’t going to go back to exactly how they were before, he understood that, but I missed him so much and I couldn’t lose him. He started playing music from his phone, he carefully placed it down on the counter, “May I have this dance?” He held his hand, “You may,” He pulled my body close to his rocking us both side to side and occasionally twirling me around. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better evening. “I’ve always wanted to be serenaded,” I said into his shoulder, “Oh really...?”

“Uh huh.” He then started singing very out of tune, “Oi don’t ruin the moment you.” He chuckled as he rested his chin on top of my head and carried on swaying side to side.

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