part twenty

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Niall’s POV

The four of us separated into our pairs, me and Emily and Lauren and Harry. “Where do you wanna go today?” I asked Emily, she answered almost instantly “I heard there is a cute little market around here, how about there?” I smiled and nodded and we slowly walked to the market.

Emily’s POV

There weren’t that many people around at this time but a few people came over and said hello to Niall and got some pictures with him. It didn’t take too long though, after we carried on looking around the market, I bought a pair of little sandals and Niall got a belt and he got himself a burger.  We started walking around the town and looking in a few shops here and there.  We went into a supermarket and bought a few bits of food and had a little picnic, Niall was so sweet and paid for everything even though I insisted to pitch in. We went and sat in a little public garden/park ( ) we sat on a cute little park bench eating and talking. “You looking forward to going out tonight?”  Niall asked between bites for his sandwich, I nodded before answering cause I had food in my mouth, “Yeah it will be good, don’t plan on getting too drunk though,” He let out a little chuckle, “Probably a good plan.”

Niall’s POV

Me and Emily had been sat down talking for about two and a half hours but felt like barely anytime at all. It was two o’clock “Do you wanna go to the beach or something?”She asked as you grabbed her phone out her bag. “Sure, lets go!” We got to the beach and went straight into the sea, we swam around for ages, there weren’t many people around by where we were.  After, we sat down on Emily’s towel because I forgot to bring one and we dried off. We started discussing Lauren and Harry, “So do you think anything is gonna happen between them two?” she asked, “I’m not too sure at the moment, it’s always hard for Harry with girls cause he’s been labelled a womanizer so many times but I really do think he likes Lauren.” “Yeah she really does seem to like him too but Lauren always gets screwed over so she is a bit guarded when it comes to guys, maybe by the end of the holiday something will have happened between them two.”

Emily’s POV

It had just gone four and me and Niall were walking back to the hotel, it had been such a nice day with him. It was nice to able to talk to him with everyone else being there, he said him and Harry would come and meet me and Lauren before everyone else went out tonight.  It was a nice warm walk back, every so often Niall’s hand would brush against mine, every time I smiled but I didn’t want him to notice.

Niall’s POV

Me and Emily were walking back to the hotel, I realized today that I was starting to like her, I didn’t think I should tell her yet in case she didn’t feel the same. As we were walking I kept brushing my hand against hers, making it seem like an accident but it was on purpose and every time I did I would look at her face to see her reaction, she smiled each time but tried to hide her face, it didn’t work to well.  We reached our rooms, “Bye Emily, thank you for an amazing day,” I said then kissing her cheek, she blushed and then replied, “Yeah thank you for an amazing day too, I’ll see you later Niall,” She said walking into her hotel room.

Emily’s POV

I got back to an empty room so I decided to have a nap until Lauren got back, I sent her a text, “If I’m asleep when you get home wake me up cause I need to hear all about today and I need to tell you all about my day.” I slipped my phone under my pillow and slowly fell asleep.

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