31: The Road to Magnostadt

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"...Alibaba?" Yukiko said unconciously as she looks on to the scene where the latter was confronting Kouen that he save his brother so he owes him.

Yukiko can clearly see the pained and humiliated expression on Alibaba's face when Kouen threw him the real facts about how he is now holding the blond's former kingdom, Balbaad. She went down of her horse to talk to the young fellow after being separated for a long time.

"..Hey, Alibaba. You've sure grown, didn't you?" She started as she stands infront of him.

Alibaba's P.O.V.

As I face down, trying to muster up my broken pride once more, a person stood infront of me before speaking.

"..Hey, Alibaba. You've sure grown, didn't you?" I'll recognize that voice anywhere! I immediately looked up and I was right.

"Yukiko-san!" I exclaimed and smiled at me just like those times we've spent in Sindria. She was still as calm as ever despite the ongoing war infront of her. But, "Where have you been? Why are you here? Everyone was worried about your sudden disappearance!"

No one's P.O.V.

"A lot of things happened while you were not in the palace, Alibaba. Also," she then looks up to the sky as the black rukhs are clearly visible gathering towards them again. "the black rukhs are here again.." she took a hold onto her sword, "I know that they'll only bring harm so let us spare the chitchats for later." She smiled at him as she removes the heavy robes that Kouen made her wear and handed them to a servant. She was wearing her clothes as an aristocrat of Kou, the red and black hanfu that Kouen bought her before. "The battle is only just beggining afterall."

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"Take back your troops and stop the war! It will only bring more darkness to this land!" Aladdin yelled at Kouen which made even Yukiko surprised. Kouen was clearly not pleased at the sudden order of the small boy but he reasoned that he's telling the truth. If they don't believe him then he'll call 'them' to explain it. He called out all the djiin residing in the metal vessels present.

"Aini, Eligor, Procel, Gusion, Beleth, and Malphas?!" She exclaimed as the six Djiins appeared before her. "It really is you lot!"

"Lady Yukiko has six djiins?! She surpassed Prince Kouen who has three and is almost at the level of that King Sinbad with seven under his command." A soldier commented as they watch the spectacle happening before them. He was immediately silenced by his comrades since it sounded rude to their King Kouen.

"So those are Yukiko-onee-san's djiins.." Aladdin stated as he looks at the six djiins. He can see how much bond the djiins have with their chosen King through the rukhs they share.

"Our King, please believe the Magi before you since he is speaking the truth. That thing will destroy the world if it touches the surface. By all means, please stop it." Aini told her most humbly as he bows before her small figure.

"Please don't let it happen to this world that Lord Solomon and Urulthugo created.." Malphas second.

Yukiko looks at their concerned expression and she easily understood what they were saying. "I understand. I won't let it touch the ground..It will make all the hardwork we made turn to ash if I let it do so. I won't let it harm my land and people." She turns to Aladdin to say that she'll help him but, "Aladdin! I'll help you---"

She almost face palmed when she saw Kouen grabbing the child by his collar ordering him to spill all the secrets he knows about the 'other world'

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

She almost face palmed when she saw Kouen grabbing the child by his collar ordering him to spill all the secrets he knows about the 'other world'.

"Kouen, release Aladdin!" She tries to stop him but Aladdin striked a deal with him making Kouen wear that excited expression when he is close to uncovering something of his interest.

"Yukiko, we are participating in this battle. I've already called for your Seven Lords and brother so we'll take the Vanguard from here on out. My brothers and sisters will be joining us in a moment so gear up." Kouen instructed her still with that scary grin that sends shivers down his soldiers spine.

Yukiko just nodded with a small smile knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop him. She then took hold of her sword and looked at her djiins. 'I'll certainly stop it. So help me, everyone.'

"Djiin of destruction and mischief, I summon thee and thy household, dwell in me and grant me the power to destroy anything in my way. Come forth, Aini!"

As a bright light envelopes her body with the rukhs swarming around it, her hair slowly turns to a shade of a splendid light blue color resembling those of a flame from a candle with the tips joining together with a white lace. Small chains of gold wraps around her head that are a bit loose infront. Scales resembling those of a dragon covers her chest, her legs and arm.

A black mantle wraps around her waist with light armor made of silver and gold holds it in place. Her feet were clothed with sandals with strings wrapping around her legs. A third eye appears on her forehead as a blue dragon shaped flame wraps around her. Her sword turned into two naked blades with bandages at the handle, some hanging loosely.

"Let's go, Aini!" She yelled as she charges head on to Magnostadt.

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Magi: HiraethUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum