the space between here and tomorrow

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It has been a year. Everything slowly fell back into place. The seasons changed. We buried Lily, the Columns, Raven, and Echo. Wiki and Conch graduated their last year of school. I celebrated my eighteenth birthday. We invited new members to Rave Tempest and our success story blew up in Bureau. We were praised for days and soon every dorm in our house was filled with a wizard. We've kept Echo's room untouched.

I wake up on a cold winter morning. My feet bounce on the cold, wood floor and I splash my face with water. I dress myself according to today's snowy weather. The windows in my room are coated with a frosty layer of fog. I carve hearts with my fingertips. Singing, I drag my wet fingertips down the walls of the hallway. I peek into Echo's bedroom.

"Happy birthday," I say into an empty room.

I trot down the stairs and the kitchen is already bursting with energy. Breakfast is sizzling on the counter. Job requests are being accepted and ripped off the bulletin board. Coffee cups clank against plates. Teller and Ky are being happily fed by Lain. Ophelia sports another round tummy.

"Ah, Celestia! Good morning!" Fawn grins, shoving all of her papers into a pile. Thorne and Rune collectively groan. "Just the lady I wanted to see! Thorne, show Celestia the flowers. I need a second opinion."

"How much of a second opinion do you need? We've asked everyone here," Rune complains.

"Because I'm precise," Fawn snaps. Thorne sighs and fishes out two bouquets of flowers.

"Depends. What color are the bridesmaid's dresses?" I ask, pondering each bouquet.

"Haven't decided. Can we go this week to pick them out?" Fawn admits, shaking her head.

"Sure, just wait until then for flowers," I say, and turn toward Thorne, "mind if I steal a bouquet?"

"Sure!" she brightens and hands me the larger one, "I know he'll like it."

"You're not coming?" I sigh.

"No," she answers, "I have exams today. I'll go with everyone after school."

"I see," I smile.

"Ooh! And Celestia, one more opinion! Do you like these announcement cards?" Fawn interjects. I ponder at the card.

"I like it. I didn't know your middle name was Helena," I observe.

"Feels weird that I'm not gonna have a best man," Rune says.

"No one can be him, though," Fawn consoles.

"I don't think we should talk about death with a wedding," Thorne interrupts, "don't be ashamed if your're happy."

"This is gonna be the wedding of the century," Rune promises.

Fawn fist bumps him, "damn straight."

"Celestia!" Lain calls from the stove.

"Mmm?" I respond and walk toward Ky and Teller.

"Teller says he wants to go with me to work today. I say he's not old enough yet, am I right?" Lain asks.

"Yep! Teller you've gotta stay home and help Mama. She's so busy and tired carrying around the new baby that she needs your help. Once you're big enough, you can go on jobs," I tell him. I ruffle his hair. He pouts a bit and slams his cup on the counter. "You'll be able to be full fledged wizard real soon. See, your first band grew in!"

"I'm hoping he'll be a terra like his father, not some filthy poison bender like your mom," Lain jokes.

"Shut up, Lain!" Ophelia hollers, swatting him with a spatula.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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