the amazing magician

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"Thank you," I say, shaking Mr. Cruse's hand, "breakfast was delicious!"

"It was nice to meet you. Wiki always talks about you and Rave Tempest in the letters she sends home," he replies.

"Aww! Wiki I had no idea you loved me so much!" I caudal and pull her into a tight embrace. I pinch her cheeks until they turn pink.

"You're so weird!" she giggles and wriggles out of my grasp.

"Alright," Mr. Cruse interrupts, "Echo's and Celestia's train leaves really soon."

"Thank you," I repeat.

"We appreciate it," Echo adds.

"We'll come back home in about three days," Conch tells us.

"Say hi to Ace for us!" Mr. Cruse chimes in.

"You know Ace

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