insider request

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July 984

"Oh, you have a fever," Holly confirms, removing her head from my forehead. She slaps on a hot towel to my face and pulls my covers to my chins.

"No, I don't!" I argue.

"Just lay down," she tells me, shaking her head.

I spring up from bed, "Holly! You don't have to take care of me. You have a baby! Take care of him, instead," I insist. Holly slaps her palm into my scalp and pushes me back down into the covers.

"Shut up," she replies, "Beckham is fine with him."

"Chris could take care of me!" I offer, "Chris never has social plans so he should be free."

"Chris, Chris, Chris," Holly laughs, shaking her head, "why don't you just go out with him?"

"I don't know," I lie, but I do know.

"What? Are you in love with your old boss still?" she teases. I pull the cover over my face. She laughs and gets off my bed.

"Chris wrote me another note asking me out," I respond, avoiding her question.

"Where is it? I wanna read," she pipes.

"Coffee table," I respond. Holly walks over and begins to pick through my mail, she picks up a fat stack of letters and fingers through them. I kick the sheets off of me, sprinting over to the coffee table to attempt to slide tackle Holly out before she has the chance to see my letters. Before I have the chance of adverting her attention, she snaps her head up. She drops all the pieces of mail in her hands all except one thick, cream envelope.

"This is a wedding invitation," Holly gasps, "from Emerald Merseth. What business do you have from Raven's sister? She wasn't invited, actually, I doubt she knows about it."

"Holly," I whisper and reach for the letter.

She snaps the letter back, "It's from the Art Firm you worked at, too. How do you know Emerald?"

"Emerald worked for my boss. She's also a very dear friend!" I explain.

"The boss you're in love with?" Holly asks.

"Yes," I reply.

"Are you going to the wedding?" Holly asks, "You're gonna go behind Raven's back? She hates Emerald, you know? I'm pretty sure she wants to kill her."

"Yes, she wants to kill her," I agree, "But, Emerald is my friend and Raven is wrong about her. Please don't tell her."

"Helena," she softens.

"Please," I beg.

"I'm not gonna tell her because you're my friend and I love you," she says, teasing the envelope toward me. "But, don't get hung over your boss, especially since you don't think it'll work. Go on a date with Chris, okay?"

"One date," I promise and extend my arm for the envelope.

"You get it back after the date. As your girl friend, I want you to get back out there," she says.

"Fine," I respond.

"Now, get your ass back in bed!"


August 984

"Helena! Helena!" she cried, running toward me in a white gown. She catches up to me, leans over, clutching her side and gasping for breath. "Are you leaving already? We haven't even cut the cake," Emerald complains. I look back at the gazebo filled with people. They eat and drink. They have fun. The band whisks away on their instruments and plays delightful tunes. I turn my eyes away from them and ease my eyelids. The sky has matured to a warm magenta, fairy lights decorate her venue. Trees litter around the gazebo, secluding it in privacy. A cloud rushes past the sky, following the beautiful beat of the music.

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