Chapter 7 - Bedrooms

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Song of the chapter - Heart Attack by Demi Lovatto

The long weekend had finally arrived. It helped that Seth spent most of it gone, who knows where. Most likely at one of his douche bag friends houses. Well, I shouldn't be so judgmental. Just because they hang with the king of all douches, Seth, doesn't mean they are also a douche.

Whatever, I was just thankful for the break. What I was really happy about was the sleepover that Robin planned for us at her house. Our whole crew was going. If you could call the five of us a crew, that is. I don't know if there was a minimum number requirement to officially be considered a "crew" but I didn't care. Every high school student should have one, no matter the size.

So our crew was hanging out, Netflix bingeing on something awesome, eating as much junk food as we could stuff into our bodies and being generally annoying to any adults we may encounter. You know, the usual.

It was Saturday night, all five of us were hanging out in Robin's bedroom just being weird. And apparently I'm basically an expert at weirdness. Robin was putting makeup on Judy, but it looked ridiculous. She had used electric blue eyeshadow from her eyelashes to her eyebrows. It wasn't cute, but we were all laughing hysterically when Judy batted her eyelashes like the most attractive woman on the planet.

Christy was getting all of the nail polish set up. I didn't even want to know what crazy color combinations she had planned. Stacy had braided my hair. It sort of looked like a crazy little kid, with little braids going in every direction. Then she put glitter lotion all over my face. Yeah, I was rocking that sleepover. Judy and I started taking selfies and making duck faces. It was funny at the time. I guess you had to be there.

We were in the middle of our photo shoot when the doorbell rang. I took a look around and realized that our whole crew was already there.

"Who's that?" I wondered.

"Oh, it must be Bella. I asked her to come over too," Robin explained.

Bella from the beach. Bella that played on club soccer. Bella that knew TJ. That Bella. Oh dang! I was thinking about TJ again after successfully removing him from my subconscious for the last 12 hours.

"Hey girls! What's up?" Bella entered Robin's room with a bit of flare. For an athlete she was pretty graceful.

"Hey, you made it! I wasn't sure if you were gonna come." Robin gave her a hug and took her bags.

Robin had a pretty big bedroom. It was super girly, unlike mine, with cream and lavender as the color palate. She had a really comfy bed, big enough for three of us to sleep in if we wanted. She also had a little couch and plenty of floor space for all of us to spread out. Her mom hired a decorator to give the room a bit of French inspiration. So it was basically every teenage girls dream come true.

Her family had a decent amount of money and I was surprised she wasn't more popular than she was. You know how high school politics seem to go, the rich, athletic and beautiful are on top. The rest fight it out for a spot in the middle. Then there's those of us who have no fight left after the perils of middle school. That's where the nobody's fall, namely me. And for some reason Robin was there with us. I wasn't going to complain, she was a good friend, and I was happy to have her.

"How was the party?" Robin asked Bella.

"Good, sad, fun. All of the above," Bella responded.

"What party?" I interjected. It wasn't really any of my business but that's me, nosy.

"The coaches had a going away party for TJ. He already officially moved but he came back for the party. Goodbyes are always a little sad, even if I didn't know him that well."

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