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Mahiru appeared by the door just as Kuro was changing back into his cat form. I felt so relieved that I almost fainted, it would be so awkward and weird to explain Mahiru that my cat was actually a vampire.. not that I believe it, I still think that Kuro is a cosplayer.

"Welcome back Mahiru." I forced a laugh. "I was just making some tea, you want?"

"Sure." He sat on a chair. "By the way, what are all of those bags for?"

"Oh that?" I said. "I just did some shopping because you didn't have a lot of food unless those ramen cups."

"Y-You bought all of that?!" He was shocked. "You didn't need to!"

"Oh, don't be silly." I smiled. "I'm just thaking you for letting me stay."

(Time skip meh meh)

I passed the evening playing some games and watching dramas with Mahiru who didn't enjoy the dramas part, but he kept silent. Kuro haven't changed into his human form again fortunately. Instead, he laid next to me watching - most like sleeping - the drama as well. I wonderded if I should tell Mahiru about that incident because Kuro might change back form and Mahiru could see it, if that happens someday, I don't know what I'll do.

Later that evening, Mahiru and I went to a restaurant again, this time I chose that old man's restaurant that we went as kids almost everyday. I missed the old man's food.

We took Kuro as well because I felt bad with let him stay all by himself at home, besides, he could be in human form when we arrived and that wouldn't be very pleasant.

Just as we were crossing the street, we heard a very excited voice coming from a few meters ahead.

"Shall we see what it is?" I asked Mahiru.

"Sure, it's on the way." He agreed.

We got closer to the crowd and finally spotted the reason. A man with white clothing and pink hair was likely giving a public magic show - or so I thought. The man was laughing like a maniac and it creeped me out.

"Mahiru, we can leave now." I whispered. "That man is worse than Mrs. Yuno when her husband is away."

"Now now, who's going to be my assistant for tonight's show?" The pink haired man said while looking around. "The couple over there!"

We stopped in our tracks when the said man appeared in front of us.

"Let me see, why did I stop you?" He asked. "One, you ignored me." The man said with a acute voice. "Second, I'm hungry." He licked his lips. "Third, I don't like couples."

"We're not a couple." I sighed.

The man walked closer to us, especially towards Mahiru. I never thought that what the man was about to do could happen in real life. The man grabbed Mahiru from behind and bit his neck. It took me some seconds to process what has happened, the people around screamed and ran away from that place. I stood there looking at Mahiru while he fell on the ground in pain.

Then, the man looked at me with crazy eyes.

"You're next, miss." He walked towards me. "I need to show my public what happens when they ignore me."

I needed to run, I needed to get away from there, but I couldn't leave Mahiru there. I looked around looking for something to defend myself with, something that probably someone threw away.

I was pushed down to the ground with a kick on my stomach. It hurt, that man was going to pay. Nobody injures this body and lives to tell the story.

"You crazy chalk walker." I got up. "Do you know what will happen if I get a bruise or worse?"

"Let me suck your blood." He dashed towards me once again.

The Star and The Servamp (Kuro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now