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"How was it again?" I mumbled as I touched my gps' screen to check the map once again. "This highway is pretty empty at this hour, lucky me."

I've been driving for a couple of hours, the sun was already glowing in the sky. I didn't see a lot of cars passing by, even though it was almost ten a.m. My phone didn't quiet down all the way to my hometown, probably my manager. I was so pissed that I turned it off, from that day on I would get another card and put my popstar life aside a little bit.

I turned on the radio and listened to my favorite station while driving. It wasn't that complicated, Bomi is an excellent machine, it can detect when a car is too near and park itself alone, which means I only have to do a minimum.

"Let's see what's the gossip today. " I turned up the volume of the radio.

'It's very outrageous!' I recognized that old fart Yuno voice right away. 'Aura Oshiro is so doll-like that you want to spot a single flaw and crush her with it, but that god blessed child doesn't have any!'

"That's right, botox grandma." I laughed. "You can't deal with this god blessed child over here."

That session made my trip, I could say goodbye properly now. I liked the fact that Mrs. Yuno talks so openly about her guests at her show, without acting. One day, I will do the same but in the mean time, let's keep the image.

The trip to my hometown was exhausting at some points, specially when I needed to put some gasoline. I needed to disguise myself without an hat and sunglasses, some people looked suspiciously at me, but I had no choice or else they would spread to the social media about my location.

(Some hours passed meh meh)

I finally saw a frame with my hometown's name. I was just fifteen kilometers away from my vacations' place, I was overwhelmed with joy but I needed to pay attention on the road. I started to drive more slowly because the number of cars increased as I was getting closer to the city. That spare time made me think about one thing that I didn't care when I started this plan: where am I going to stay?

"Let's see, an hotel would draw too much attention and it's one of the first places to search when they find out I left." I said. "My grandpa's place is too scary to live there and I heard that some groups were going there... so out of the list, a friends' place isn't the best option but it's the only solution I see right now."

Just one person came to my mind right away, my childhood friend. He lost his parents when he was young and he was taken by his uncle that raised him. I met him when his uncle introduced him to my grandpa. He was a crybaby, but at the same time he was brave enough to save his tears when he was alone.

I smiled as I remembered the way I met him. I was only in my underwear, which is a common thing for me when it's hot. I was six years old so I wasn't really concerned about who saw me.
My grandpa called me to his living room and there he was, hiding his face from embarrassment.

"P-Put some clothes on!" He said.

"Who is this, drunky?" That's the way I used to call his uncle.

"This is my nephew, Mahiru." He smiled. "He's living with me."

"So he's drunky too?" I asked.

"Aura, your manners!" My grandpa flicked his finger in front of my forehead.

"It's okay, I hope you and Mahiru get along." He smiled. "Thinking simply, you can play together."


And we really did get along, Mahiru and I became great friends and he was there for me when grandpa died a few years ago, that was the last time I saw him or any of my other friends.

"Mahiru wait for me, I know where you live and I know how to sneak into your apartment." I chuckled.

(Some hours later meh meh)

It's just so easy to enter his house, he always leaves a window open so the air comes and goes. With a shoe keeping the door open, I quickly took my suitcases upstairs and placed them in the living room. Bomi stood parked at a nearby lot, until Mahiru arrives.

His house didn't change, the same curtains, the same pictures of his uncle and parents. Everything felt so nostalgic, felt like home. I sat on the sofa and there I fell asleep... until a cracked voice woke me up.



So second chapter done!
It's a little one but it's 3:58 AM here and I need to sleep x.x

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