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That cracked voice woke me up just when I was about to fall asleep, I already knew who it was but still I hate to be forced to woke up.

"Mahiru," I said in a very annoyed and sleepy voice. "Speak lower please."

"S-Sorry," He said. "But what are you doing here at my house?!"

"Well, I need a place to stay and you were the first one that came into my mind." I answered.

"Do you watched the news?!" He shouted. "There were tons of reporters in front of your house all day!"

"As usual, I don't mind them as long as they don't peek." I laid once again in the sofa.

"No, this time is different." He turned on the tv. "Watch this."

The channel was airing a report from the hottest news of the day, which consisted in celebrity gossip and scandals. Just for that, I felt uneasy with the situation. I didn't like to appear in that type of programs at all, even though I've been mentioned a couple of times.

'As you can see dear audience, I'm in front of Aura Oshiro house, which is empty. The popstar was seen for the last time getting out of her apartment with a giant suitcase. For as long as the managers are concerned, they don't know where she is and have already requested the police to find out. We will keep following this case.'

"See?" Mahiru said. "They are looking for you, if they come here and find you in my house, what will I do?"

"I ran away."

"What?" He asked with a shocking tone.

"I needed some fresh air, I'm tired of people gossiping, fans screaming, old farts that don't have anything more to do." I looked at him. "I just want to be with my friends for some days.. Is that too much to ask?"

Mahiru looked at me with troubled eyes, I knew that he was thinking the simplest way to solve my situation. He treasures his friends above anything else, this might sound a little bit cold, but I knew that Mahiru wouldn't dare to say me to get out.

"If it's just for a couple of days, then I have no choice." He sighed. "But please, put those guys out there at ease."

I knew what he was talking about, I needed to post on my social media some message to my fans and reporters to explain that I didn't run away on purpose.

I turned on my phone and opened my twitter account. With all my brain cells working, I managed to write a simple tweet to apologize for the worry I've caused.

"Done." I tapped the Tweet button.

"Let's see what you have written." He grabbed his phone and searched for my twitter. Then, he screamed in shock. "Why would you write that!?"

"What?" I asked confused. "It's just the true."

"Sorry for worrying you, I'm just passing some days out." He read. "With my boy friends."

"It's true, I don't have any girl friends and you know that." I sighed. "I don't see the problem."

"You misspelled the word boy friends!" He shouted. "You forgot to put the space between the words!"

I checked my tweet and it was indeed misspelled. Instead of 'boy friends', it was written 'boyfriends'. I quickly tried to erase or edit the tweet, but over four hundred people have already retweet it. I'm screwed, so screwed.

I could already see the popular gossip magazine 'Skip Beat' making a front page with this tomorrow. I put my head between my knees in frustration.

"Damn it the keyboard." I said. "Always finding a way to screw things up."

"What are you going to do now?" Mahiru asked concerned.

"I'll erase the tweet for now." I said as I erased the goddamned tweet and turned off the phone again. This time, I removed the battery and headed over to the kitchen with Mahiru following me.

"What are doing?" He asked.

"Looking for something heavy." I replied.

I found a meat hammer in one of the compartments of the counter. I placed the phone below it and smashed it with the hammer. Mahiru shouted in shock, but I wouldn't blame him. When I finished to destroy the poor phone, I turn around to face Mahiru.

"This way they won't find where I am. You see, if the police uses those programs to reveal the signal where the internet connection came from, they would come straight away."

"But there was no need to break the phone." He sighed.

"Just for precautions." I said. "Don't worry, the agency will give me a new one anyways."

(Some hours later meh meh)

I placed my suitcases on drunky's bedroom, Mahiru told me to sleep there for as long as I'm staying. Since we were hungry, we went to eat at the old man's restaurant. Of course, I needed to disguise myself even harder because of that tweet. I put some colored eye contacts lenses and placed some extensions on my hair.

"This will do." I smiled.

While walking down the streets, Mahiru and I kept talking about the things we've been doing since the last time we saw each other. According to him, nothing really changed in his life. He's taking the school tasks that no one wants to do because it's simpler that way. He was the one sewing the costumes for his class' festival cafe.

"You sure put a lot of effort in things." I laughed.

"Thinking simply, it's easier to do it myself."

"Yes, it is."

When suddenly, something stopped me on my tracks. As I looked to a bad illuminated alley, a dark spot was laying near the wall. I walked towards it and gasped.

A black kitten was there resting, it seemed to be very weak at that moment. I always liked cats, I used to have one when I was little but when it died I swore that I wouldn't get any pet again. However, seeing the poor creature there, probably hungry and cold, I couldn't help it.

I grabbed the kitten and put it in my bag wrapped around a spare scarf that I had in there. It's been a while since I cared about an animal and thinking simply, I was helping it.


Three chapters already woohoo!

I have so many ideas and the main plot isn't even starting.

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