Iwaizumi Hajime

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Iwaizumi Hajime - Family (Part 1)

(Some strong language involved.)

"Hey, Iwaizumi. What's wrong?" Iwaizumi came home all red in the face and eyes drooping from exhaustion.


(Name) stopped stirring the soup, turned down the flame and walked over to Iwaizumi.

"Let me get you a cup of warm milk, ok? Don't move." She smiles, pats his head and goes off to the kitchen.

It was that anniversary again. It was to be expected.

Iwaizumi slowly sipped the warmed milk as (Name) continued stirring the soup.

"I hope you feel a bit hungry this time at least." She smiles warmly and ladles some soup into a bowl, setting it in front of Iwaizumi at the dining table.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, licking his lips.

(Name) doesn't look surprised at all and smiles warmly still, ruffling his hair like a mother would to her little boy, even though he was 21.

Iwaizumi's parents died several years back. It struck him harder than anything he had ever felt before and was in shock for a full year. He failed all his tests, he didn't show up for volleyball and did not hand in work for over 3 months. Oikawa and (Name) were always extremely concerned about him and were always trying to get him back on his feet. Eventually, he managed to right himself, but was a changed man. An entirely new man.

So a year after that, (Name) spent her savings to move out and get an apartment with Iwaizumi to help him. He was alone at home. Nowhere to go. So (Name) figured she would be there for him as much as she could. Oikawa wanted to live with his two friends as well, but his parents strongly disagreed. He visits as often as he could, though.

The next morning, (Name) helped Iwaizumi call his boss to tell him that Iwaizumi was ill and that he needed a little break off work. She then made him some breakfast and brought it to Iwaizumi's room.

"I made you some eggs and bacon, today! I have some headache medicine if needed." (Name) grins and sets the plate and cup of water on Iwaizumi's table, fished out some tablets still in the foil from her pocket. He looks up and smiles a little. A little too forced.

"Ah, I should leave you be. Oikawa said yesterday that he wanted to visit. Should I tell him not to?"

"No. Let him come."

(Name) pats his head, gave a little smile and a sigh before heading down to make her own breakfast and then make her way to work.

When Oikawa arrived at about noon, Iwaizumi was watching some tv.

"Iwa-chan! How are you?" Oikawa yells, kicking off his shoes and pouncing onto Iwaizumi.

"Stop that, trashkawa!" Iwaizumi swats Oikawa's arms and face away, sending him rolling to the floor.

"Aw! That was awfully mean of you! Can't believe you still have changed even though you grew older, Iwa-chan!"

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