My Aunt?

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My aunt? What? My mother has no relatives. They all died when she was young. No. She must be joking, this can't be.
"Not all my relatives died in that house fire. I managed to save a young baby of only 2 months, my sister, your aunt, she has been in contact lately stating she would like to meet her sister's children. For heavens sake, I told her to meet me at the pack house not the fucking holiday house, not on the brink of DIEING!"
"Mum. You're not making any sense, how come you never told me?"
"I didn't know if she had died. She ran away from my protection the minute she found her mate, the Rogue Prince"
"God dammit. So my aunt is my mate's daughter now. This is so confusing, so Jordan took the Rogue King's title, by killing him because it was his father who left him, my aunt is mated to the Rogue Prince, the Rogue King's son, so my aunt is Jordan's daughter in law."
"No. The Rogue King wasn't related to the Rogue Prince, they hated each other's guts to be honest. So Jordan is now the Rogue King and you're his Luna, his Queen, his mate, and you're also the moon goddess to be so you're literally the highest being in the supernatural world, excluding me and the Angel Queen."
"So. I'm the 3rd most powerful being in the supernatural world? A plain, tan brown wolf, with nothing better than a mind reading ability?"
"Yes. And by the way, you're not naturally tan brown. I put a block on your natural colouring until you unlocked your powers. The block has now been lifted. Go on, shift."
I shift and run upstairs leaving my mum in awe, i sprint into my room and get a good look at my wolf's natural colouring, i am now a shining silver with a baby blue aura never leaving my body. Wow. My colouring IS beautiful. I let my wolf to the surface and she almost shits herself when she sees our natural colour.
'Wow, we really ARE beautiful. Can we go for a run?'
'Sure, just ask mum first.'
I mindlink mum and ask if we can go for a run and she gives me a hard resounding no because there are too many rogues around these parts and she doesn't want anything bad to happen to me. I whine but understand her reasons. The little boy comes tottering down the stairs and when he sees me in wolf form he screams and shouts, to his mum I assume, saying that there's a freaky BIG DOG in the house. I run past him and into my room, I shift and pull my favourite pair of blue shorts on and shrug on a grey shirt with a beige jacket. 

When i get back downstairs the young little child is crouched over his mum, my Aunt, crying his eyes out.

"Hey little one, what's your name?" I say trying to distract him from is dying mother.

"D-di-did you see that BIG doggy in here before?" he asks still crying but has given me a small smile now, "M-M-My name is Kaden."

"Yeah I did little one, it was pretty wasn't it. What a lovely name that is."


"My name is Abby and that pretty doggy is my best buddy ever."

"H-H-Hi A-Abby w-w-why is mummy i-in here h-hurt like this?"

"She's just having a rest little one, she's tired after getting a little shock earlier."

"O-Ok. Can I have some num  nums?" says Kaden giving me puppy dog eyes, that's ironic. I think he means food.

"Sure pup, come with me and we can get something from the kitchen." I say picking him up and setting him on my hip, giving him a kiss on the forehead. We get into the kitchen and he squirms out of my hold and jumps down. Kaden looks through the fridge pulling out random things such as milk, eggs and chocolate melting buds, he runs to the pantry and pulls out some flour and sugar and puts the ingredients in my hands and I put them on top of the counter and giggles erupt from his mouth. He puts his arms up signalling that he wants to be picked up. I pick him up and place him on the counter.

"prancwakes pweeeaaseeeeee" Kaden giggles.

"Ok Kaden, just because you asked so nicely, I'll make you some chocolate pancakes, that sound good little one?"

"YETH YETH YETH!!" Kaden says jumping up and down in joy.

I make the pancakes and set them out on a plate, I go into the pantry and get out some syrup and get some whipped cream out and pour them all over the pancakes and Kaden is looking at them intensively "Go on little one, eat up." I say putting the pancakes in front of him. He digs in so I decide to make my breakfast, bacon, eggs, sausages and a piece of toast. I pull out seven pieces of bacon and put them in the already hot pan and follow them with two eggs, and add 2 sausages to another heated pan. My breakfast finishes cooking and i decide mum needs to eat something so I pull Kaden off the counter when he finishes the food and set him on my hip and pick up the plate of food in my other hand. Kaden starts to giggle and i ask what's so funny to which he replies with, "NOTHING", I let out a chesty laugh and see mum sitting outside crying.
"Hey Kaden, you can go inside and play with the teddys in my room if you'd like?" I whisper to him
"Okie Abby, see ya later alligator"
Kaden giggles and runs off up to my room.
"Hey mum, I made breakfast for you, you have to eat something mum, you can't keep doing this to your wolf, she's struggling right now I can tell. Mum, please" I know she's struggling but this is slowly killing her wolf and is most likely hurting dad's. I have to get her to eat.
"Fine. Only a little."
I hand her the plate and she starts to eat, only a little at first but then starts to pick up the pace and then in a matter of 2 minutes the whole plate is finished. I grab the plate and wash it, making more bacon for myself this time. I'm no longer very hungry so I decide on just 5 pieces of bacon without having anything else. My bacon finishes and just as i start to eat my delicious mouth watering bacon little Kaden comes running downstairs and into the kitchen playing with my favourite stuffed animal, a toy cow named Elka. "MOOO! MOOOOOO! MOOOOO!" Shouts Kaden when he reaches the kitchen door. I do hope Aunt Florence does heal quickly. I pick up Kaden and put him on my hip and ask him a question that's been bugging me for a while now,

"Hey little one, do you know anything as to why you're here in this house hunny? And do you know what your mother is? And what your father was?" I ask it all coming out in a hurry

"U-u-umm mummy told me that we were going to stay here and wait for someone to help mummy coz she's sick you see. Mumma said she would tell me why her and daddy always had red eyes and why they sometimes left and why two big doggies came to take care of me when they left. The doggies were always friendly and they looked a bit like that one that was in here earlier, your best buddy?"

"Oh hunny, little do you know they were not doggies, they were your mummy and daddy." I whisper barely audible.

"ABBY ROSE GET YO ASS HERE NOW!"I hear mum shout from were aunt Florence was laid. 

"I'll be right back little one, do not move, okay? I'll be back real quick, stay here and play with Elka The Cow."

"Okie Abby." replies Kaden as i walk out of the kitchen. I sprint into the lounge room and mother isn't there which i find odd, oh wait how could I forget, Vae helped me move her to the doctors office so she could do her magic without interference. I run to the doctors office using my werewolf speed to my advantage.

"Yes mother?"

"I need you to do something for me? Can you do that?"

"Okay." I hesitate before nodding.

"I need you to erase Kaden's memories for me, can you do that for me Abby?" I think my jaw just hit the floor and mum notices continuing to explain why she needs me to do such a horrid thing. "She's dead Abby. Dead. She's not coming back. My only sibling, dead."
"Calm the duck down mum" she looks up at me, eyes pure black with rage "she still has a strong heartbeat and her pulse is still going strong mum. She isn't dead yet."
"Wha-Huh-What? How?"
"I can help her along the process but you need to keep talking to get and don't stop until I tell you to. Comprendé?" She hesitantly more and she walks to Florence and starts whispering sweet nothings into her ear. I walk over as well.
"LUPUS VITA VITAIAEZ" I chant over and over again then Florence's eyes flutter open but I know the hard yards are far from over. I stare into Florence's pale ice blue eyes as they pierce back into mine with just as much intensity, mum falters for a second and stops talking and i can immediately feel Florence losing the battle and I bark at mum and she instantly starts speaking back into my aunts ear quickly hoping she can go back to the strength she had just a second ago. I get mum to force Florence into my intense glare and her strength starts returning bit by bit until she has regained enough health to pull herself out of a coma. Mum screams and little Kaden comes running in and jumps on his mum's bed  and she bursts into tears so we give them a minute or two alone. Kaden mopes out of the doctors office 15 minutes later.

"Mummy said you are going to be my new Mumma?"

DISCONTINUED: Raised By The ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now