Chapter one

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Rosa's POV

I walk down the street. It's been three years since mom died. It seems like it's been longer. Three years today, she died. I've never handled it well. We were close. Dad was always, and still is, an alcoholic. I keep my distance from him. I don't want him ruining my life. I grew up in a nice area of chicago, went to private school and made friends for life. I suffer from anxiety, bipolar and depression. I take my meds correctly and never miss a dose but they don't seem to be working. Not today anyway. My feelings are too overwhelming and powerful. I've had a tough few years. Abusive partners, abusive father and a miscarriage. Of course these caused my depression to get worse. My childhood was hard too. Dad was always drunk and used me and mom as punching bags. I was 15 when I was diagnosed with bipolar. I'll never forget the day that lead to that diagnosis.

19 years ago

I started to feel really strange. I began to have an obsession with my friends safety. We were, and still are very much like each other. I kept thinking that someone was watching him or following him or going to hurt him. I was thinking that he was secretly my brother. I wouldn't stop writing or drawing about it until I found out if he really was or not. I then got a burst of sad feelings and my mood changed altogether. Without thinking, I walked into the kitchen and started sharpening a knife. My mom came in and tried to take the knife off of me but instead I stabbed myself. I was rushed into hospital and four days later I was diagnosed with bipolar. A year after that, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

Present day

The scar still hurts now. If someone hugs me too tight or if too much pressure is put on it, it hurts. My name is Rosa Sánchez. I am 34 years old. I was brought up in Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. I am a trauma fellow and start work today, at Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre Emergency Department.

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