Winter's care for Derek

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Winter was walking back and fourth wondering how to get Derek fixed she watched and studied everything but non seemed to help she had to think of something on her own but what?

"What to do? Nothing I studied worked, if only there was something but what?" Winter asked herself.

Suddenly there was a crack in the ice but it wasn't a big crack.  As a cold mist came out of it Winter felt the chill as she turned to look she saw the crack in the ice coffin.

"What the?" Winter asked. "A crack could it be breaking slowly, if it is then what will happen after?"

As the day went on the crack got bigger and bigger as if Derek was trying to break out of his cold frozen coffin.

Winter walked into the room to find the coffin shattered to pieces. "Oh no....." She looked around to find out what or who broke the coffin but she didn't see Derek anywhere either. "Did someone break in and do this? No if someone did then they'd be caught." There was wet spots on the floor leading somewhere Winter raised a eyebrow and followed it.

The puddles of water Winter followed lead straight to a room but the door was locked as whimpering was heard from the other side. Winter put her hand on the knob but pulled her hand away from it. The knob felt hot like fire hot but there was no smell of smoke nor was there any sign of fire.

"Derek? Derek is that you in there?" Winter asked. "Say something, or at least open the door for me I wont hurt you."

The whimpering continued for a hour as Winter waited for an answer. The door then slowly opened as Winter looked she noticed it was Derek but his clothing was torn like he was in a fight with someone he had bruises on his arms and a black eye followed by broken glasses and a bit of blood on his forehead.

"Derek what happened?" Winter asked approaching him. "You can tell me please say something, I'll explain everything if you talk to me."

Derek got scared and backed away from Winter but felt her hand touch his as he calmed down and looked at her. "W.....Winter?"

Winter nodded. "Come on I wont hurt you." She took Derek's hand to find it freezing on one side but hot on the other something was strange she couldn't place her finger on what it was though. "Let's go talk in my office room okay?"

Derek nods and followed Winter to her office room, as they walked to the room people stopped and stared at Derek as the whispered Derek's ears twitched as he heard what they whispered. Winter arrived at the room and went inside as Derek followed her in.


After having sat down in the room Winter took out some papers and looked at Derek. "Derek can you tell me what happened? I can help you if something bad happened to you."

Derek looked around as he took his broken glasses off sitting them down on the table. "I-I don't remember what but......I do recall hearing your father's voice, I woke only to see him staring at me angrily as he had two guards with him they pointed their guns at me and I was forced to stand up by your father and they took me to the room I was in and then......then they beat me up with whips, bats, and they punched me then I was cut, after that they left locking me in the room where I was left helpless."

Winter was shocked and surprised but more annoyed at the fact her father did this to Derek. "I see, well for my part of the story the reason you are here is because Weiss, and everyone else wanted me to train you, to be your teacher, to help you get stronger and over power your darker half."

Derek looked down and sighed and looked at Winter. "Okay Winter, teach me everything you can. I don't want to put others in danger cause of me."

Winter nodded. "Good then starting tomorrow we'll begin your training, for now I will have a room for you to stay in." She then stood up and walked to the door. "Oh and by the way, you truly do make friends easily, now come with me I will show you to your room."

Derek stood up and followed Winter to his room he caught on by what she meant, he smiled but still felt scared about what had happened to him. They arrived at Derek's new room as Winter opened the door Derek's jaw dropped at all the stuff in the room. "Wow all the technology, the exercise gear the bed a min fridge and a upgraded bathroom."

Winter smirked at Derek's reaction and chuckled a bit. "Weiss didn't mention how much of a tech nerd you are, still she does have taste in boys go clean up and get settled in for the night. I will come by to check on things and if you need me for anything just use the hologram device to do so."

Derek's eyes widen at all the tech that was in the room. "Of course Sensei." Derek bowed to Winter as she left the room.

Winter chuckled as she walked to her office but was stopped by her father. "What do you want?"

"Why must you disobey me, keeping that Faunus around here. Dispose of him before he makes us slaves to do his dirty work that's what all Faunus' do treat us like slaves." Mr. Schnee said.

Winter didn't listen to what he said and walked off. "I'll do what I please you don't control mine or Weiss' lives just go die in a grave somewhere old man."

Mr. Schnee was furious as he walked off he stopped by the room Derek was in and banged on the door. "Open this door Faunus you're not welcomed here get out before I come in there and beat you to a pulp."

Derek couldn't hear him as he was working on security systems for his room. "And done now let's test this baby out." He then pushed a button on the wall as a electric shock zapped Mr. Schnee paralyzing him as the two guards dragged him off now knowing not to mess with Derek ever again. Derek watched all of it happen on his TV as he had a hidden security camera built in and started laughing. "Oh man that's what he deserves never mess with me again, now then time to get cleaned up for the big day tomorrow. Still I wonder what the others are doing?"

What Winter and Derek don't know is that everyone at Beacon is in danger and is fending off the evil that threatens to take over the world and kill anyone who stands in the way.

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