34| Midnight City

Start from the beginning

"Okay?"She repeated is surprise.

"Yes okay." I told her still not completely convinced, but knowing that she was safer by my side than on her own. There was also the fact that this was a decision that Oliver would have never made, but Oliver was sometimes wrong. "But my only condition is that you have to listen to Roy and I. You shadow us and every call either of us make you follow."

"Absolutely." She assured with a small smile. "Thank you for believing in me."

I gave her a small smile and nodded. "Now let's suit up." We all began to change and equip ourselves as we waited for Diggle.

"You sure you still want to use that thing?" Roy asked referring to Sara's old weapon. "We have plenty of other weapons here."

"It was Sara's." She replied as she looked at the weapon with pain clear in her eyes.

"Diane! Roy!" Dig yelled at us as if we were misbehaving children. "I thought we were on the same page with this."

"I know. That was before Brick kidnapped three aldermen." I argued sternly, although I highly respected and cared for Diggle I was no longer going to allow people to question my decisions. "Laurel said she knows where they are and frankly she's safer doing this with us than on her own."

"We put their location through Felicity's surveillance program but Brick keeps moving them." Roy informed as he pulled up some files on the computer. "We can still track them, take them out in route, but the window's closing."

"Fine. Laurel, monitor us from here." Dig ordered firmly. "Talk Diane, Roy and I in."

"No. That's not how this is going to work." Laurel replied firmly.

Dig looked over at me for some sort of backup but I didn't offer any. He sighed before turning back to Laurel. "Are you trying to get yourself killed? Laurel, you're not your sister!"

"You think I don't know that?" She also exclaimed as she looked at Dig without in her eye. "You lost a brother. If there's anyone who I thought would understand, it would be you."

Dig slowly nodded in agreement and Laurel made her way out of the hideout. Roy and I were about to follow when Dig stopped us. "Stay close to her." He said in a warning tone.

"Of course." Roy and I replied in unison.

"You two better." Dig said pointing between the two of us.

"Yes, Diggle." We both confirmed before we went after Laurel. We all stood at our designated positions as we waited for Brick's vans to come by. Once the first van went by Roy and I aimed arrows at the tires of opposite sides of the van to stop it so Laurel could jump on to free the aldermen. I wasn't able to continue to put my attention to Laurel since Brick's men began to to fire their guns at Roy and I.

We both acted immediately to cover for Laurel as we began to shoot down some of the men. On came up behind me and I elbowed him And twisted his arm as I pinned him against the wall.

"Laurel Laurel, Laurel, watch your six!" I heard Dig warn through the head piece causing me to loose my focus to check on Laurel. Next thing I knew I was the one being pinned up against the wall, I felt as the guy buried his face in my next and took in my scent.The feeling itself was enough to make me gag.

"The things I would do to you." He said in a low voice before I flipped us around and quickly slammed his face against the brick wall of the alley. As I turned around I saw as Roy shot an arrow at Brick, piercing his shoulder.

"Bad choice! This one's on you." Brick said before he shot one of the aldermen in the back of the head and pushed his dead body out of the moving van. I shook me head, not believing that we had failed once again in what was supposed to be a simple mission.

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