Chapter Fifteen

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“Okay, so you have the remote for the television, your phone to make any calls or to answer any, you have a bottle of water, do you need anything else, Har? A blanket, some food, anything?” I asked Harry, who was sitting on the couch. It had been three days since the episode at the party, and I had to go out and do some grocery shopping. Harry looked like he was back to his normal self, but I was still paranoid about coming home to him on the ground, and that time, the diagnoses wouldn’t be as good as the last. 

“I’m fine Hanna.” Harry sighed, sitting up a little more on the couch that I had told him to stay on for the last seventy-two hours. “Are you positive that you don’t want me to come with you? It will be fine. I will be fine.” I shook my head in protest.

“Harry, just stay here. I won’t be gone for long, and then we can just be together for the rest of the night.” I put on a smile and grabbed my purse and keys. “Bye, Harry. I love you.” I called out before walking through the door.

“Love you too, babe.”

Harry’s P.O.V

Hanna walked out the door, leaving to go to the supermarket to buy food for the next week. She had strictly told me to sit on the couch, not to get up unless she was home, but I couldn’t stand to be babied like that, like I was some fragile statue. 

I got up from the couch, a little too quickly, making my head start to pound and my vision to slightly shift darker. My sight went back to normal after a few minutes, but I knew that I hadn’t fully recovered from the night at the party yet. I walked into Hanna and my room, turning on the bright light that hadn’t been flicked on for some time. Hanna had never left my side, sleeping in a chair next to me as I was in a deep sleep on the couch. I decided to go onto twitter, answering some concerned fan questions. 

It was all over  that I was in the hospital the morning after the party, concerning more than just a few people. Of course, the tabloids and news articles exaggerated the seriousness of the situation. Saying that I had broken bones and a concussion. After logging onto twitter, my mentions were swamped with fans wishing me well, hoping that I was okay, and telling me that they miss hearing from me. 

“I’m here guys! Don’t listen to the articles, they make out too much of it. I’m fine! Thanks for the messages!” Tweet. I laughed at some of the jokes fans had sent me, in hopes to brighten up, what they thought, was a horrible day. I followed a few fans, tweeted some back, and caught myself up on the news of today’s celebs.

“Harry?” I could a frantic call from the entry way followed by the quick, running footsteps of Hanna trying to find me. “Oh thank god,” Hanna breathed out in relief when she saw me sitting on the bed, computer on my lap. The relief quickly faded and turned into a scolding tone. “What did I tell you about walking around in the house when you’re alone?” Hanna’s eyes were wide, hands on her hips, she shook her head, waiting for a response.

“Han, I am very capable of walking around in my own-” Hanna cut me off.

“Harr,” She returned the tone of my voice, mockingly. “I shouldn’t have to worry about me walking through that door and seeing the unconscious body of my boyfriend, but I do. So I am so very sorry for being a wee bit concerned about your well being, Harry.” Hanna turned towards the door, ready to storm out of the room, but I quickly hopped off the bed. Again, my vision shifted to a darker hue and my head began to pound. I grabbed the side of the bed, trying to have everything go back to normal. I felt a rush of air crash into my body, followed by Hanna’s soothing voice.

“Harry, this is exactly what I was worried about.” She said softly. “Now let’s get you back into the living room.” Hanna sighed, grabbed my hand, and began walking to the door. 

Hanna’s P.O.V

I sat Harry down on the couch and put a thick blanket around his shoulders. I looked at him, straight in the eye, trying to figure out how he was feeling without asking him directly. 

His green eyes weren’t as lively as they usually were. Harry’s skin was still a paler hue than usual. I still could tell that Harry wasn’t feeling one hundred percent just yet, especially when he got up too fast.

“Hanna, please stop worrying.” Harry interrupted my thoughts. He looked at me, trying to figure out how I was feeling without asking now. “Please Hanna, just relax. I am fine.” I shook my head and sat down on the couch, inches away from Harry.

“You aren’t fine Harry. Maybe you will be in a week, but not right now.” I sighed. “I don’t want to loose you Harry. With all that we have been through, we don’t deserve to loose this.” I motioned my finger between the both of us, signaling our relationship.

“Hanna, stop looking back on your past and just think about what is happening right now for once!” Harry’s voice was rising a little, startling me. I quickly stood back up. If Harry wanted a fight, then he got one.

“Harry, I am trying to forget about all the bad things that happened to me! I really am, but when I have constant reminders of my mom, of Jean, of everything,” I paused and took a breath. “It’s kind of hard to just throw all that crap away and start over!” Tears formed in my eyes, just mentioning two of the hundreds of problems I had, really hurt. Harry stood up, slowly after learning his lesson.

“Hanna, I’m sorry.” Harry softly said and pulled me into a hug and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I just stood there for a moment, taking in the security that I felt within his arms as the newly formed tears slowly cascaded down my cheeks.

“I love you Harry, I’m just so scared that the past will return and become the present that I have grown to love so much.” I whispered into Harry’s chest as his strong arms tightened around my petite torso. 

“I know baby, I know. Just calm down.” Harry lifted my chin with his forefinger to look him in the eye. “Hanna, you need to calm down. I don’t need you having some kind of stress or anxiety attack next, okay?” I nodded, letting out a small chuckle before wiping a tear or two away from my eyes. Harry sat me down on the couch again and then he filled the empty seat next to me. “Now, how about we relax and watch a movie for the rest of the night.” I smiled at my lovely boyfriend and nodded.

“That sounds amazing Harry.” I started to get settled into Harry’s lap as his arms held me tight. I sighed, a sigh of contentment. 

Less than a year ago, I would have been hating life, ready for the day that I was on to end so that the night of the next would be sooner. Now, it was a whole different story. The feeling of being in Harry’s arms made me want the moment that I was in to never end, yet I was hoping for it to end soon so that the next amazing moment in this life could happen. I looked forward to each day I had instead of dreading it.

“I love you Hanna,” Harry said as the movie came to an end and the black and white credits rolled up the screen. I looked up to Harry, his eyes still somewhat dull, and smiled.

“I love you too Harry. So, so much.”

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