Chapter Nine

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I stood there for almost a half an hour. I couldn’t believe this. I was so close to getting out of here, being rescued by my knight in shining armor, yet Jean had to, once again, get into the way of that. My happiness. I was stuck here. No form of communication from the states back to London. I had nothing. I couldn’t be afraid anymore. I had to face my fears. I had to stand up to Jean. 

I stormed out of my bedroom, hands balled into fists, anger boiling up in my eyes. I saw Jean with a bottle of tequila in her left hand, standing in a kitchen that was flooding with bottles of other alcoholic beverages. “Jean.” I sternly said. Jean looked at me, no emotion in her eyes. I had never talked to her this way before, standing up for myself after she had taken something away from me. Either a personal belonging or my own dignity. Jean looked away from me and at the label on the bottle. “Look at me when I talk to you Jean.” I could begin to see the rage cloud in her eyes.

“What?” The attitude in her voice told me that she was trying to scare me. Wanting me to back down and cower in fear towards her.

“Why the hell did you smash my phone?” I yelled at her. I was beginning to get in her face, taking away any of her personal space. “I needed that. I was talking with Harry!” I felt tears welling up in my eyes, but I was trying hard to hold them back in order to look stronger than what I actually was inside.

“That’s exactly why, Hanny.” Jean laughed. I could tell that the alcohol in her drink was beginning to affect her body. It was surprising that after all these years of drinking non stop, she still couldn’t hold her liquor. 

“Give me your phone then.” I held out my hand as my bright pink lips turned into a frown. 

“What?” Jean squinted her eyes and shook her head. Yep, she was definitely intoxicated now. “No,” Jean laughed her usual drunken laugh.

“I said give me your phone!” I shoved Jean, gently pushing her shoulders. Although it wasn’t a hard hit, she stumbled back as if she had been pushed by a large man. With that, Jean came up to and slapped my cheek, making a red print of a hand on my left cheek.

“I am not,” Jean slurred. “Giving you my phone. You are going to stay with me and work for me and-”

“No!” I interrupted Jean. “I have been working for you for the past two years and my only reward was abuse.” I shouted at Jean, who now looked like she was cowering in the corner. “I don’t deserve this Jean. I don’t.” I looked at her, taking in her expression. I laughed the same way that she would have laughed at me, but I abruptly stopped. No, Hanna. You are so much better than Jean. You are better than this. Thinking that, I grabbed the only money that I had brought back with me and headed out the door.

I knew that I wasn’t going to go back to London. I mean, I didn’t have enough money to even get a cab. So, I decided to go to the only person that I could talk to in my old life. The only female figure that I had ever looked up to and trusted in my teen years.  My soccer coach. 

Remembering the town like the back of my hand, I went to the place that the Sampson Scorpions always had their team bonding nights. Coach’s house.

When I finally got to the yellow, two story house with the white picket fence, I ran up to the door and frantically rang the door bell as I knocked on the door as hard as I could until my knuckles turned a bright shade of red. After about half a minute, coach, otherwise known as Raelyn Hadley, opened the door with a surprised look on her face. 

“Miss Hanna Riley, what are you doing here?” Coach asked with a friendly chuckle as she brought me into a hug.

“I got away from her.” I told her with a smile. I had told Coach a while ago that Jean had her problems, of course I didn’t get into the whole story. “Coach do you think-” I was cut off by another chuckle that came from her.

“Han, I’m not your coach anymore. Call me Raelyn.” 

“Okay, Raelyn, do you think that I could maybe stay with you until I get back on my feet?” I didn’t want to ask her, but there was only one person that made me feel safe in my hometown, and that was Raelyn.

“Of course you can dear.” Raelyn smiled at me and led my in. The both of us sat in her living room, catching up on the past few months of our lives.

“So Hanna, where did you even go?” Raelyn asked me and I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes at the thought of the life that I was able to live for just a few months, and with Harry,

“I went to London.” I sighed. Harry’s face entered my mind. His smile. His eyes. I missed him so much. “And then, Jean just ripped me away from him.” I said to myself. 

“Away from, him? Who is he?” I felt a tear slide down my cheek at the thought of him. I wanted to call him, text him, have him save me from the horrible life that Jean, most likely, was going to bring me back to once again when she was in her sober state of mind. As the tears cascaded down my cheeks, I smiled at all the amazing things that he had done for me. 

“Him,” I laughed and stared at the plain blue wall of the room, memories of our dates together running in my head. “His name is Harry, he is the most amazing guy in the world, and I love him.” I laughed again, wiping yet another tear away.

“He sounds great.” Raelyn moved from her chair and sat next to me on the couch. Then, she handed me her phone. I looked at her, confusion filled my face. “Call him.” Raelyn nodded at me and I quickly grabbed the phone from her hand.

“Thank you so much Raelyn.” I ran to the kitchen as I put in all ten digits of his number.

Ring…Ring…Ring. I tapped my fingers on the countertop, impatiently waiting for Harry to answer. Ring…Ring…Ring.

“Hello. This is Harry. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I can.” Beep.

“Harry, call me back on this number. I love you.” I said with almost no space in-between each word. I waited for about five minutes. Tapping my fingers impatiently once again. I dialed the number again. Voicemail. Why wouldn’t he answer? Was something wrong? No, Hanna. Calm down. He’s probably just busy. He’ll call back later on. Give it an hour or two. 

I waited for an hour. Then an hour turned into two, then four. Soon, four turned into twenty four and then twenty four turned into a week.

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