Chapter One

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“Good job in the game today Hanna.” My coach came up to me and pat me on the back. I had scored the winning goal in our soccer game. My last game with the Sampson Scorpions. “You know, we’ll miss you a lot.” 

I was moving away. Far away. I didn’t know where to yet, but I had to escape all the drama, and Jean, my foster mother. Maybe I should start at the beginning of the train wreck of my life. 

My father was never there for me, leaving my mother to raise me on her own when I was only a day old. Everything was fine, until the April I was age six. My mother was involved in a car crash, dying at the scene. Since then, I had been tossed around to foster family to foster family, each one becoming worse with time. I had been stuck with Jean for two years, since age fourteen. 

I had to get away from all the memories that were here in Sampson. I sighed looking at my coach, the only person that I could really talk to. “I’m going to miss the team a lot.” I chuckled as I thought of my only equivalent to a family. My team. All the girls that were on my soccer team were more than just friends, they were like my sisters. 

I looked at the time, almost four thirty. I had to get to the airport before Jean was going to come and pick me up. I quickly grabbed my backpack, stuffed with clothes, and called a cab. 

I ran up to the desk to check in and get a one way ticket to the first place out of here. “Hey, can I get a ticket to to the first plane that’s leaving?” I was going to take a gamble. Where ever that plane would take me would be my new home. 

“One ticket to London, England?” The lady at the desk asked me as she typed away on her computer. London, England? Yeah, that’s my new home. 

“Yes please.” I said quickly and in seconds, the ticket was printed for me. Gate 203. I ran up to the outgoing flight gates and searched for the gate that would have the plane leaving in four minutes. The frantic searching brought me back to another time of searching.

“Hanna! You little thief!” I heard the drunken Jean scream at me from the living room. I had been searching for an hour for a golden bracelet that her new boyfriend had probably stolen for her. “If you don’t find it, you will really regret it!” Tears of fear began to pour out my eyes as I heard Jean’s loud footsteps coming into the kitchen. I stood up quickly. “Are you crying?” She laughed at me. “I’ll give you something to cry about!” A slap stung my cheek. Jean reached into her pocket and pulled out the gold chain. “I found it.” She laughed as she left the kitchen with yet another bottle of beer in her hand.

Finally I found the gate. “Last call for boarding in gate 203, last call for boarding.” The woman at the desk announced over the speakers. I rushed up to the desk and got the ticket scanned. “Go ahead.” I walked down the narrow hall that led to the cabin of the plane. 

I made it to the plane just in time, the door closed behind me once I was fully in the place. Now it was time to find my seat. I looked at the overhead numbers. One, two, three, all the way to one hundred and sixty two. I finally found my seat, in between a sweat filled man with a terrible odor and a woman with a wailing infant.

“This is going to be a great flight.” I told myself sarcastically. I buckled my seat belt, ready for landing so I could find a place to live. 

The flight attendants began their speech of seat belts, oxygen masks, electronics, and all the other necessary safety precautions that were said for every flight.

After sitting on the tarmac for twenty minutes due to the weather conditions, we finally prepared for take off. I looked at my phone, even though I shouldn’t have, and searched for apartments that I could live at for the time being. 

“Ma’am you need to turn your phone off for take off.” A flight attendant came out of no where and told me. I looked up, a bit annoyed, but turned it off anyway. I could find a place once I landed. 

For the whole flight, I watched movie after movie, being to nervous to sleep on a plane. I tried to block out all the crying and all of the stench that was surrounding me and tried to relax, but all I could think of was the memories that I was trying to escape from.

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital with Lucy, the baby-sitter my mother had left me, by my side. I wasn’t given much information, just enough to have a six year old know why she was here. “Mommy’s going to stay here for now.” That’s all Lucy gave me. I wanted to see her, but when I asked Lucy, she would tell me that she was having lots of doctors and nurses visiting her right now. After about two hours of watching people in scrubs and white coats rush around and into my mother’s room, it all stopped. 

“Can I go see her now Lucy?” I asked in my tiny voice. All I wanted to do was be in the arms of my mother. Just then, a woman that was dressed very professionally came over to talk to us. She whispered something in Lucy’s ear, not wanting me to know. I looked up as the woman pulled away and saw tears in Lucy’s eyes. That’s when it hit me. My mother was gone, and she was never coming back.

I came back to reality, a few tears had streamed down my cheeks, when the pilot made an announcement. “We will be landing shortly. Make sure that your chairs are in their up right position and thank you for choosing us to fly with.” I began to gather my things as the plane was coming closer to the new tarmac.

Finally, the plane was on the ground and I could get my feet onto something that was not flying. I felt a rush of relief, knowing that Jean didn’t know where I was now and she wouldn’t be able to ever find me.

I knew that this was where my new life would begin, and I knew I had to start from scratch. Not knowing anyone, no job, no shelter. I walked up to the counter and asked where the nearest apartment complex was. The man at the desk highlighted the best route for me to take and gave me the map.

I left the airport and hailed a taxi, giving the man the map and showing him where I wanted to be. I sat in the back seat, thinking to myself.

“Okay Hanna. This is your new life. You don’t have to worry about Jean or the horrible past you had to go through. But Hanna, what ever you do, just don’t look back.”

Don't Look Back (A Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now