Chapter Three

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Harry and I entered the apartment complex and then went our separate ways once we got to our apartments. I looked at my empty, non- furnished apartment and sighed. I had no money, the waitressing job wasn’t going to pay me enough to buy any furniture soon, and I had nobody to rely on. Nobody that is except Harry, but we just met. 

I laid down on the floor, my backpack being my pillow, and tried to fall asleep. Due to the long flight and having jet lag, I quickly entered the world of dreams. Images of Jean finding me flashed in my mind, causing me to wake up at six in the morning. My back stiff and shoulders sore, I got up and decided to walk around the apartment, trying to stretch it off.

As I walked around, the landlord caught up to me. “Hanna, I need your first payment.” I stopped walking. I had no money, I had no idea where I would get the money, and I didn’t have anywhere to go if I got kicked out.

“I’ll have it for you in an hour, I promise.” Where would I get the money? I wasn’t going to ask on the streets. I turned back to my apartment. As I got out my key, Harry was leaving.

“Hey Hanna.” Harry came up to me and greeted me. 

“Hey,” I trailed off. This was going to be the last time I was going to see him. I was going to grab my bag and leave for good.

“Do you want to go out and get breakfast with me?” Was Harry asking me out again? I had to leave, but I wanted to go with Harry. 

“Sure,” I reluctantly turned from the door, put the key in my right pocket and walked with Harry to go to some cafe and get breakfast.

“So, yesterday you were saying that you were in a foster family. What’s that like?” Harry asked as he took a sip of orange juice. What’s it like to have a foster mother like Jean? Horrible. You want to run away and never come back, forget about your childhood, wish that you had never lived when you where with her.

“Fine.” I lied, taking a bite of my scrambled eggs. “You said that you were famous. What’s that like?” 

“Well, it’s hard. You don’t really see your family a lot. You get bad press and hate from people that don’t like what you’re doing. But, amazing. You get to live out your dream, tour the world.” Harry smiled, showing a dimple. He was so sweet, so cute. I actually liked this boy. 

“So Hanna,” Harry started as the waitress came to take our plates away. “Should we do this again tomorrow?” I sighed, knowing that this was the last time that we would probably see each other.

“I don’t know, I’m kind of busy tomorrow.” I looked down at the table and began to trace designs on it with my finger.

“Well, we can just take it one day at a time then.” Harry stood up and took my hand. 

Harry and I walked to our apartments and planned to go our separate ways once we hit our doors, but when something hanging on the door caught his eye, Harry made a detour towards mine. An eviction notice.

“Hanna, what’s this?” Harry didn’t look up from the note. I couldn’t speak, tears were forming in my eyes as I realized that I had no where to go now. “Hanna?” Harry looked up now, concern apparent in his eyes.

Tears streamed down my face. “Harry, I came here to escape my past. I have no money. I have no family. I now have no place to stay and-”

“If you need help, you can stay with me, but I want to know why you had to escape your past.” Harry grabbed my hand and led me into his apartment. It looked so similar, yet so different from that one that was only a few steps across the hall. “So, why?” 

“Why what?” I played dumb. I really didn’t want to discuss this with him, at least not at this moment.

“Hanna, you know what. Why did you have to escape your past?” I looked down at the ground and shook my head as tears poured out of my eyes and down my pale cheeks. Before I looked up, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. “I want to know Hanna, but if you’re not ready to tell me, then that’s fine too.” I looked back up at Harry, concern was in his eyes still, but a reassuring smile was on his lips.

I nodded my head. “Thank you.” I put my head on Harry’s chest as I remembered the last time I felt the comfort and security that only being in someone’s arms could bring.

“Okay my little one, I’ll be back soon.” My mother kissed the top of my forehead and brought me into a warm embrace. When ever I was feeling low or got a scrape on my little knee, my mother would calm me down in the best way possible. I sat in her arms as Lucy grabbed my hand. “Bye bye Hanny.” My mother smiled at me. Her perfect smile with her perfectly straight and bright white teeth. “I love you.” My mother walked out the door and down the driveway as she waved goodbye to her six year old daughter for the last time.

I took in a deep breath as I remembered my last good memory of childhood before all the drama and bad experiences came into my nightmare of life. “I promise that I’ll pay you back for everything Harry. I don’t want to be a bother.” I looked into Harry’s eyes. Harry’s perfectly green eyes that could make any girl’s heart flutter with just one simple look.

“Nonsense. I’ll take care of you Hanna. Grab your stuff from your apartment and I’ll give you the tour.” Harry came down to my level and kissed my forehead. “I’ll be here for you Hanna. Don’t worry about anything.”

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