Chapter Seven

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I was right. Jean was sending me multiple texts each day, threatening texts that stated that if I don’t leave, she would hurt Harry. I was torn between staying with the guy that meant so much to me or leaving him for the best, but I didn’t know if the threats were real or just trying to scare me. It had been about a month now, no sign of Jean anywhere, except for when the screen on my phone lit up with a new text from her. I sat on the couch, thinking about what I should do when I got another text.

“This is your last warning Hanna, I will do something and you will regret not coming back.” I could only read the text and hear her voice at the same time. 

“What do you want Jean? For me to be your slave again? Hurt Harry and you’ll be the one to regret it.” I pressed send and waited for the next text to show up, scaring the living daylights out of anyone who read it.

“Don’t worry about it hun. You’ll be back, sobbing for a new place to stay once he’s gone.” That was the last text that I received. What was Jean going to do? I was starting to get worried when Harry hadn’t come back from the studio. He had been there for four hours now, he said he would be back in two. I decided there was nothing else left to do but give in. Give into Jean. Go back to my old life, wallowing in self pity while no one else around me would care. I had to. I didn’t want Harry to get hurt.

“Jean, meet me at the coffee shop in an hour. Don’t do anything to Harry. I’ll go back to your home.” Send.

I walked up to the counter and decided to write a note to Harry, telling him that I couldn’t stay. I couldn’t be with him anymore. I was sorry.


I am so sorry I had to end things like this. I just didn’t have the heart to tell you in person. I hope you understand this. I can’t stay with you anymore, Harry. It’s just too hard and I feel like your reputation is going to be demolished because of me. I’m so sorry that I can’t be with you anymore.


I set the note down on the table, tears falling down and dropping onto the sheet. Just then, the door opened and Harry came in. “Hanna? What’s wrong babe? Is it messages on twitter?” Harry came over to me, but his eyes wandered towards the note on the table. He picked it up and began to read it. His lips moving as he read each word. Once he hit the end, he looked up at me, hurt in his eyes. “What’s this?” 

“A note.” I responded, not making any sort of eye contact at all. It was hard enough to just imagine what Harry would look like when he read the note, but watching it play out before my very eyes was a whole other story.

“Please,” Harry tried to laugh out, holding back his tears. “Please tell me this is some kind of stupid joke?” Harry shook his head, not believing what was happening. “Let me tell you right now, though, this is not at all funny Hanna.”

“It’s not.” I took a deep breath. “Not a joke.” Harry’s mouth dropped open, tears began to well up into his sparkling emerald eyes. “I’m sorry,” I rushed towards the door, wanting to get out before I saw anymore of his reaction. I couldn’t bare to see anymore of it. I caused it. 

“Hanna, wait,” Harry quickly grabbed my wrist and turned me around. “Tell me why you’re leaving and don’t give me this bull answer.” Harry shook the paper at me. Tears rolled down my already red cheeks. “Hanna, please don’t cry. I love you and I know that you love me too, so why? Why are you leaving?” Harry’s voice was softer, not wanting to sound like the next, new Jean. 

“I don’t want to hurt you Harry.” I wiped away a falling tear. “I need to leave now.”

“No! I am not going to let you until you give me a real reason why you are leaving! I promised I would protect you! Do you not trust me? Is that it?” Harry’s voice was rising with each new word out of his mouth. I did trust him. That wasn’t it. 

I don’t want Jean to hurt you Harry. That’s it. I wanted to tell him that. I wanted him to tell me that he would be fine. I wanted to stay.

“Harry, I don’t love you.” With that, Harry dropped my wrist and I walked towards the door. Harry didn’t move from the spot he was standing at. All he did was look at me, a hurt expression on his face. I wanted to tell him that I just told him the biggest lie of my life, but I knew if I did, I wouldn’t be able to leave. Saying this meant that he would allow me to live my life, not come chase me, and leave me alone. Easier said than done. Not only did he have to stay away from me, but I had to stay away from him. It was for his own good. I couldn’t have Jean ruin anything that Harry had worked so hard for, I couldn’t let her ruin Harry. 

“I love you Hanna,” Was all Harry said as I opened the door and left the apartment that was the place that the love of my life was living in. I left the apartment in tears, I couldn’t stand leaving Harry. I mean, I loved him more than anything in the world, but because of Jean I had to. 

I walked down the hallway, not looking back at the first place in a long time that I felt like I could call home. I walked away from the apartment, out the door, and walked to the local coffee shop to meet Jean.

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