Chapter Eleven

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Today was the day that Kella was supposed to come. I started getting nervous, feeling like everything had to be perfect. I fluffed the pillows more than ten times and vacuumed each room three times. Everything needed to be perfect.

“Hanna, do you know when she will get here?” Raelyn called to me from the kitchen, making homemade pastries for the two of us to snack on.

“She’s supposed to call me when her plane lands.” I called back. As if on cue, the phone rang and I ran to answer it. “Hello?” I asked into the phone, waiting for the person on the other end to respond.

“Hanna? Hey. I’m so, so sorry. I can’t make it today, the flight was canceled and I am just so sorry Han.” I figured out that it was Kella on the other end. I sighed, my hopes of seeing someone from the better part of my past came crashing down.

“Oh, um that’s okay.” I tried to sound a little bit more cheery than what I really felt, but like every time I tried to do that, it sounded fake.

“Don’t worry though, I’m sure we can work something out soon. I know that you’ll have a great day.” Kella told me. I was confused. Did she know something that I didn’t? No, she couldn’t have.

“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. We can set something up soon.” I once again tried to sound cheery. It worked a little better this time. 

“I’m really sorry, Hanna.” Kella spoke again. It was odd. Kella didn’t sound that sad at all, almost happy, excited. I couldn’t wait any longer, I had to ask.

“Kella, what do you know that I don’t?” There was silence on the other end. “Kella? Are you still there?”

“I don’t know anything Hanna. There’s nothing to know. I have to go now, bye.” With that, Kella hung up the phone, leaving me holding a phone with no one on the other end. 

“Bye?” I said into the empty phone, hanging it up. “Raelyn, change of plans.” I walked over to Raelyn, who was now in the living room. “Kella’s flight was canceled so she can’t make it.” I sat down on the couch, sighing out in defeat. Raelyn sat beside me.

“I’m so sorry, sweetie. Do you want to do anything else today? Get out of the house and get some fresh air?” Raelyn tried to encourage me to cheer up. It obviously didn’t help, tears streamed down my cheeks. 

“I just thought,” I began to say through small sobs. “I thought that Kella and I could talk and maybe the subject of Harry would come up and, and,” My sobs grew louder. “I just miss him so much.” My sobs seemed to be nonstop. I felt like I had hope of getting back together with Harry if Kella and I talked about it, but with her not coming, all the hope was gone. I felt hopeless. I felt lost.

“Hanna, hun, calm down please,” Raelyn gently rubbed my back, trying to calm me down, making my breathing steady, and my sobs to subside. “It’s going to be alright.” Raelyn used her soothing voice, trying to make me at least stop crying. 

“I miss him Rae, I just want to see him one more time. The last time I saw him, I, I,” I sobbed again. I wanted to go back in time, convince myself to not go back with Jean, not write the note, and just stay with Harry.

“You what Hanna? Do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head. I couldn’t deal with this. I couldn’t deal with my life. I thought that once I moved, everything would be better, ideal even, but in actuality, my life was just more complicated than ever. “Do you want to be left alone?” I nodded. I didn’t want to place any of my burdens onto the shoulders of anyone else. 

Raelyn got up from the couch and walked towards another room. I sat on the couch, feeling more alone than ever before.

Harry’s P.O.V

I finally got off the plane. I had just landed in Michigan, ready to go and see Hanna. Kella had called her a few days ago and got the address. Now it was time to text Kella back and tell her to tell Hanna that she couldn’t make it. All I sent was the word “Now.” We had discussed what that meant earlier. Once Kella and Hanna’s call was done, she would text me back the one key word that I couldn’t wait any longer to see today.


I ran out of the airport, past the screaming fans that had somehow found out where I was. Past all the security and then I finally made it out the exit. I quickly tried to hail a cab, needing to get to Hanna as soon as possible. I missed her so much. That smile, those eyes, that la-

“Harry stop.” I told myself. “Stop thinking and start doing.” I nodded, agreeing with the internal voice. I got into the cab and quickly said the address of where ever Hanna was staying. 

The cab finally pulled up to a two story, yellow home with a white fence. I thanked the driver, gave him the money, and made a run for the front door. I was about to start ringing the bell, but then I stopped.

What if Jean answered? What if she wasn’t just trying to scare me about hurting Hanna? I mean, she already did that at least once. I had a decision to make. Take a chance for the girl I loved, or be scared of Jean. I scrawny middle aged woman who’s bark was most likely worse than her bite.

“Harry?” I heard the hoarse voice of the woman who had scared me, scared Hanna.


“What are you doing here? I told you to not come back.” Jean was back on her usual attitude streak. 

“Is this your house?” I asked Jean a simple question. Jean looked around, avoiding eye contact. “Is this your house?” I asked again, a bit more sternly.

“Well, um, the thing is, um,” 

“That’s what I thought. Run along Jean and go find someone else to be your slave and abuse. Hanna is through with you, and I am too.” With the new found courage I had, I rang the bell as many times as I could until someone finally opened the door.

Hanna’s P.O.V

I sat on the couch, softly crying, remembering the few good times of my past. Raelyn came into the room and I quickly wiped the falling tears away, trying to not worry her. “Are you sure you’re okay Hanna?” Raelyn asked concerned.

“Yeah,” I lied. “I’m fine. I just miss him a lot.” I sighed, envisioning his perfect smile that always made me a similar one spread across my lips. 

“Alright, but if you ever need to talk,” 

“I know Rae, you’re here for me. Thanks for that, but I don’t think I can just try to talk through this.” I looked Raelyn in the eye. “I can’t try to talk away the hurt, the pain, about everything. My mother, Jean, Harry, it’s all just too much pain that I need to keep inside, so I don’t burden anyone else in my life.”

“Alright Hanna, but you know that you telling me about your past won’t put any burden on-” Raelyn was cut off by the incessant ringing of the bell at the front door. “Hold that thought.” Raelyn got up from the couch and walked over to the door. “Hello?” 

“Hi, is Hanna here?” 

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