Chapter Fourteen

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I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, doctors and nurses rushing around the group that was here for Harry. The whole scene was very much like when my mother was at my hometown’s hospital. This whole scenario scared me, I was afraid of what might happen. Harry was perfectly fine one minute, but then, he just collapsed.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” I asked Liam, who was also waiting, along with the rest of the party guests. Liam didn’t answer for a while, he just thought about the question. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I didn’t want to loose Harry. 

“I hope so.” Liam finally responded, tears welled up in his eyes, just like everyone else around us. 

“Hanna Riley?” The voice of a nurse called out to me. I shot up, hoping for good news. 

“Yes,” I said, followed by a sniffle.

“Are you here for Mr. Styles?” The woman in the hot pink scrubs and a ponytail asked.

“Yeah, is, is he okay?” Tears cascaded down my cheeks.

“He’s awake, alert, and asking for you.” The nurse led me down a hall, covered in pastel blue and red wallpaper. Finally we came to the door that had the whiteboard with black marker on it, Styles, Harry. 

I entered the room, expecting the worst. Heart monitor, five I.V’s, Harry lying in pain on the hard hospital bed, but I saw the exact opposite. Harry had one I.V in, taped up to his forearm, he was patiently waiting with no injuries except for a small cut above his right brow. That’s what did it. I broke into sobs. Sobs of relief, thankfulness, and just total chaos. 

“Hanna, baby. I’m okay. Please, don’t cry. Come over here.” Harry’s voice said. I followed what he told me, tears still staining my cheeks along with mascara and other makeup.

“Are you okay? Does anything hurt? What can I-” Harry cut me off.

“Hanna, I’m fine. Just a little cut, nothing to worry about hun.” Harry reached for my hand, grasping it with a smile. “Now, tell me how much you liked your party.” Harry chuckled, knowing that the party was anything but wonderful.

“It was great. Especially what you did there at the very end.” I told him sarcastically as we both chuckled. 

“Mr. Styles, we can get you home now.” A different nurse in a dark blue set of scrubs said as she came through the door. 

“Why did he just collapse and faint like that?” I asked the nurse quietly, hoping Harry couldn’t hear me. 

“It was stress, babe.” Harry responded before the nurse had a chance to. “They just said to not plan many parties and cut back a little on all the endorsing for the band’s merchandise.” I nodded, trying to make sense of the whole situation, I was still freaking out, scared out of my mind of what happened a little over two hours ago. “Babe, lighten up a little bit, this was supposed to be a fun night.” Harry sensed that I was still flipping out.

“Lighten up? Really Harry?” I shook my head, not believing this. It might have been because I was tired or moody or scared or just all of the above. “You just collapsed for no reason, for christ sakes.” I looked Harry in the eyes, who was a little taken back by my outburst. “So no, I’m not going to lighten up, because I am not going to loose you and have another reason not to look back on this horrible, sick joke called my life!” I ended with yelling. I was surprised myself, I never let everything I was feeling out like that before, but maybe now since Jean was gone for good, I was able to.

Harry looked at me, sympathy filling his eyes as he realized just how much I really had gone through in my short sixteen years of life. “I’m sorry,” I said in a whisper, not even knowing if he heard me. My throat was now starting to get hoarse from the screams I had cried out earlier at the party, my eyes getting tired from all the tears that spilled out of them.

Harry came out of the small hospital room bathroom in a change of clothes that Niall and Kella so graciously brought him. His curly brown locks were tousled around messily, his once lively cheeks flushed. A small bandaid covered the skin that had been punctured by the I.V minutes before. I walked up to Harry and handed him a light brown zip up sweatshirt to cover up his cold, goose bump filled arms. 

“Are you sure you’re okay, hun? You don’t need anything?” I asked for what must have been the tenth time in the past three minutes. Harry chuckled at my behavior, but knew just how scared I was.

“No, Han, I swear to you I am fine.” Harry kissed my forehead before putting on the thick sweatshirt in order to warm up his slightly shivering body.

I sat in the driver’s seat, due to the doctor’s orders of Harry not driving for a week and a half. I sat there, thinking as Harry just sat in the passenger’s seat, patiently waiting for me to put the car into drive so we could start heading home. I was staring out into the distance, thinking of what I should tell Harry, if I should tell Harry, about my long and horrible childhood. Harry cleared his throat, trying to get my attention with the utmost subtlety.

I quickly turned my head, staring into those two emerald eyes that hooked me in every time. “Sorry,” I nervously chuckled. 

“No problem, are you alright?” Of course, after Harry had just had some sort of an episode no more than three hours ago, he was not worrying about himself, but me. I chuckled at his actions.

“Yeah,” I took in a deep breath, ready to start my whole spiel. “Harry,” I looked over to Harry, his eyes looking straight into mine. 

“Yeah, Han?”

“My past, you told me when we first met that you wanted to know about it, when I was ready to tell you,” I trailed off, looking at Harry, whose face was illuminated with the lights of the hospital parking lot. Harry nodded, slowly, understandingly. “Well, I’m ready, to tell you. Everything from my dad leaving when I was born to my boyfriend fainting at a welcome back party.” I could now let out a chuckle of the nights events as Harry did the same.    

I proceeded to explain my whole past to Harry in the hospital parking lot as he occasionally nodded in understanding, showing me that he was intently listening to each and every word that came out of my mouth. Harry wiped the tears away from my cheeks when the flooding memories of the past brought back sorrow and fear. I thought that when I told Harry everything, the whole process would be a lot more difficult, but when I did tell him, I had an amazing feeling of relief rush past me. 

“And then when I met you in that tiny elevator, everything seemed to fall into place, that is until Jean showed up, but then everything fell into place after I went to stay with Raelyn.” I finally finished the whole story, every detail in less than an hour. A small smile spread across my pink lips, tears streamed down my cheeks. I had finally talked to someone about everything. I finally let it all out. I finally felt life this feeling of happiness would last for a long, long time.

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