Chapter Eight

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“Hanna,” Jean began once I sat down at one of the tables for two. “I thought that you wouldn’t make it.” She smiled at seeing me on the verge of tears. 

“Well, I did.” Was all I could say. My voice was quivering, I was scared. I didn’t want to begin the past that I ran away from in the first place. “What were you going to do to him,” I couldn’t bare to ask Jean what she had planned and at the moment, I was expecting the worst. Jean laughed.

“Nothing.” I looked up at her, anger in my eyes. I had never felt this much anger before in my life. Not only did she ruin my relationship, but she made me hurt and lie to the person I loved more than anything in the world. I stood up, my hands balled into fists as my face turned red with anger.

“You weren’t going to do anything?” I asked sternly in a whisper. “Then why did I leave him?” My voice was rising and all the customers in the shop were watching the spectacle.

“Because Hanna. I want you to come back with me. I want you to finish what you started back home.” I looked at Jean in disbelief. 

“Then tell me why I don’t just walk out of here. Go tell Harry what you did to me. Huh? All the threats, the put downs, the hateful comments in all the texts that you sent me on the phone? Or maybe I should just go to the police and have them figure it out?”

“Hanna, you and I both know that if I don’t get what I want, then I will make your life, as well as Harry’s, a living hell.” Jean put on her in public appearance of a kind woman. “Now sweetie, let’s go and get you home.” I looked at her, I didn’t move. I couldn’t figure out if it was that I couldn’t or I wouldn’t. Either way, Jean came up to me and firmly grabbed my wrist hard enough for it to start to hurt. “Come on.”

The both of us walked out the door, got into a taxi, and drove to the airport. I couldn’t believe that history was going to go back to how it was. Jean demanding me to do things and if I didn’t do one little insufficient detail, she would hurt me. Physically and mentally. I just wanted Harry to come and help me. I wanted him to save me like he had before. Allowing me to live with him, making sure I was okay every second of the day, but I knew that that was not a possibility. I had told Harry something that would make him leave me alone for good. To not come and save me, rescue me. 

The taxi stopped and we were in front of the airport. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. “Sad to leave vacation, love?” The taxi driver asked me. I couldn’t respond.

“Something like that,” Jean chuckled, handed him the money, and got out, dragging me behind her. “Don’t act like this Hanna.” She hissed into my ear. 

“How do expect me to act? You took me away from the love of my life and are bringing me back to a home that I was abused in day after day. A place that I never wanted to see again!” I broke loose of her grip. Airport security were now keeping a close watch on us, Jean looked around and quickly noticed. She put back on her sweet, motherly charade and grabbed me by the wrist once more.

“Now Hanna,” Jean began quite loudly, making sure that everyone around us could hear. “I know that you don’t want to leave the friends that you met here, but once we are back home, everything will be back to normal.” With that, Jean pulled me to the gate of the plane that would take off in a matter of minutes.

The flight attendants went through their precautionary speech, bringing me back to when I started my new, good life. I was tapping my foot, clicking it loudly, when Jean gave me the look that came before the storm. “Hanna!” Jean hissed. 

“What?” I was giving her the attitude back now.

“Stop.” Jean looked back at the screen that was on the back of the chair in front of her. I stopped, not wanting to get into a big match on the crowded plane, but maybe if I did, I could get kicked off. Maybe I would be lucky enough to be banned from this airline and Jean would leave. I wouldn’t have to go back with her. I laughed, only in the best dream of my life that the situation I had thought of would play out. 

It was almost time for take off, and I couldn’t stand to be on the same plane as Jean. I had to do something, anything. I couldn’t. I sat in my seat, quietly, trying not to break down in tears. It didn’t help when I heard one of One Direction’s songs before the movie I had chose started playing. Tears filled with memories, fear, and sorrow slid down my cheeks. 

We were almost ready for landing. Landing into the life that I didn’t want to look back on. The life that made me think that if I could just disappear, would it be better? “Hanna, it’s time to go!” Jean hissed into my ear. We had landed and everyone was now grabbing their carry on luggage and leaving the plane. 

I stuck my hands into my pockets and walked towards the exit of the plane. I couldn’t look at Jean right now. I couldn’t look at anyone. All I wanted was to look into the gorgeous green eyes of Harry, making me feel safe and protected.

“Hanna!” Jean yelled at me when we got into her car that she had drove here when she decided to come and ruin my new life with Harry. “When you get home you are going to start working on cleaning up the mess you left in the house!” 

“Actually, the house was spotless when I left,” I mumbled under my breath, not thinking that she could hear me. In a matter of seconds, a slap stung my left cheek. Tears started to fall down my now red face.

“Well, now it’s not. So, you’re going to clean it up!” Jean put her key into the ignition of the car and started to drive towards the place that I was always scared in. 

Jean finally got into the driveway of the shabby house she called her home and got out. Right away, I got out and ran towards my old bedroom. It was exactly how I remembered it, unfortunately. The plain mattress on the middle of the floor with nothing but an old pillow and thin sheet to cover up with on the bitterly cold nights. “You can have five minutes Hanna, but that’s it!” Jean called from the living room, most likely with some sort of liquor in her hand.

Five minutes. Could that be enough time to call or text someone? Harry even? I didn’t waste anytime. 

“Harry, it’s Hanna, please text me back. I need you. Jean took me back to America with her. Please text back.”I sent the text in hopes that he will pick up his phone to look at it. This would be the only thing that would have a chance of saving me, rescuing me from Jean. 

“Hanna! Hurry up!” I could hear Jean’s loud footsteps coming down the hall, bringing back the many times of fear I had felt. “Clean up this house!” The footsteps stopped and I had a feeling of relief for a brief moment. 

“Come on Harry, text back, please,” I whispered to myself. It felt like everything was slowed down, time stood still. I couldn’t wait for him to reply for any longer. I texted him again. 

“Harry, I know you might be mad, but please, text me back. I love you.” Send. I heard the footsteps of Jean again, louder and quicker. 

“Hanna! Now!” Just as Jean said that, my phone light up, signaling that I had a new text. 

It was Harry. “Hanna, I’ll come get you. Where are you?” I was feeling relieved, yet I knew that I had to obey Jean’s orders. I didn’t know if I should answer him at this very second. Jean was coming towards the room, and if she saw me with my phone, texting Harry, I had no idea what she would do. 

“I’m at 225 Northern Kil-” I was so into typing the text that would get me out of here that I didn’t hear Jean enter the room. She grabbed my phone out of my hand and looked at the texts.

“Now Hanna. You know I don’t want you to text people I don’t know.” She said sarcastically sweet. “I’ll take care of this.” Jean laughed as she left the room. I could hear pounding. She had broken the phone. Smashed it into hundreds of pieces. 

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