Chapter Seven: 'OctOprah'

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It had been six days since Lexa and I had nearly kissed, and I was still down that we had been interrupted at what, I'm certain, were going to be the moments which would have turned Lexa and I into something more than friends. And I hated that we got a second chance at the end of the night of the night, but my phone had to go and ring. It wasn't even about my placement, it was just to tell me about assignment he was setting me as extra credit. I had almost screamed right down the phone at him.

I had spent that entire night tossing and turning, getting no sleep as my thoughts were dominated by a certain green eyed Government and Politics student, thoughts about what could have been. The thought of her lips mere millimetres away from my own, so close I could almost taste the peppermint in her breath. I grimaced at the memory of my damn phone. Hauling myself out of bed and over to my wardrobe, rolling my eyes at how Raven was still in bed, completely knocked out- despite Octavia insisting that they didn't even drink that much.

I sighed, picking out a pair of light blue, ripped skinny jeans, a simple navy blue tee and a pair of worn out brown, leather boots, pulling them onto my feet and slumping back into my desk chair, ready to go and buy a Chipotle and spend my free day wasting my life away on Netflix, considering I had no work to do.

I had stupidly been attempting to avoid Lexa until I could figure out what was going on between us. We weren't a couple, but we weren't friends. We weren't dating, but these little outings weren't platonic. It was complicated, and confusing, and neither of us seemed to know what was going on or how we were feelings....and as a results, we didn't have the slightest clue about how to approach the situation. I sighed again, grabbing a twenty dollar note and trudging my way to the door, opening to see Octavia there, a frown on her face as she barged past me into the room.

"Good morning, to you too" I grumbled sarcastically, earning me a glare from the Blake sister as I shut the door again, going her in the centre of the room. She smiled at my sleeping roommate, and I raised my eyebrow at the way she was looking at her...there was a certain adoration in her smile. I shrugged it off, figuring it was probably nothing as Octavia turned back to face me.

"Tell me why A) My roommate has been in a sour mood since your date-"

"It wasn't a date" I snapped, she just rolled her eyes and continued.

"-either way, she's been in a mopey mood and won't tell me why. She just studies a lot, sleeps, meets that Anya girl every now and again, eats then repeats. B) You two have been avoiding each other for the past six days and finally, C) You have been equally moping and look like you've had next to no sleep all week. And I know what that means. It means you have something on your mind that watching an entire season of Jane The Virgin on Netflix in one sitting will not fix. What's wrong with you two?" She asked, genuine concern clear in her voice. I ran a stressed hand through my hair sitting down on my bed.

"We just....we're trying to figure our feelings out. Something is different than our other relationships- or mine anyway. Lexa isn't like anyone else. And it scares me, O" I admitted quietly, feeling stupid saying it out loud. She offered me a kind smile, wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders as she sat beside me.

"C'mon, let's wake up the Sleeping Beauty, then we can all go to Chipotle and you can talk to OctOprah about this situation" She joked, nudging my side with a hopeful, crooked smile. I couldn't help but grin.

"OctOprah?" I questioned with a small laugh. Watching as my long-time friend went over and knelt at Ravens bedside "And did you just call Raven 'Sleeping Beauty'?"

"I was being sarcastic Clarke, now help me wake this ass up" She ordered.

"How did I go from being sleeping beauty to an ass, you ass?" Raven mumbled, not even opening her eyes. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was going to take O a while to get my roommate out of bed, so I decided to just wait outside in the corridor, placing a pair of black beats around my neck and walking out, leaning against the wall.

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