The Shrieking Shack - Part Three

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"I remember it was after Mom and Dad had come over to attend my surprise party—I begged to stay till the New Year and somehow, Grand Pa talked them into letting me remain behind—giving them all kinds of assurances that I'd be okay, but they said no in the end and I left just before Christmas....But our first real kiss, one that wasn't prompted by something malicious was--quite memorable for me." She explained of the vision that she had of her father's plans to take her away. It opened yet another door into their souls.

The Order of the Phoenix had been busy with activity, actively recruiting from all over Europe. James and Lily had traveled to France and Remus to Wales. Peter had been sent to Germany with the Longbottoms. Sirius still had to remain behind with Cassie. James had long noticed that alone, the two got on famously; there was only stress between the two whenever Remus was present...It was after Lily and James got married and we were living in the house in Godric's Hollow—I was sixteen and you were nineteen, I had learned about Padfoot by then."

Sirius had become moody when he learned that he wasn't allowed to leave Cassie's side and join the others on their quests; he was torn...he didn't want to leave her, but he had so many ideas to present to the Order. The stress not of being with his friends and not joining with her were continuing to take their toll on him. On several occasions, he arranged for an auror to take his place so that he could take a break from his duties and would excuse himself and take his bike out and clear his head. Time and time again, this only proved to be an exercise in futility and did nothing to relieve the pain and anguish of not conceiving a child with Cassie...She had already sustained one miscarriage...

"Did it help this time, your ride home," she asked sitting at the kitchen table alone as she flipped over a Tarot card. "Look at me?"

Sirius slowly turned his head toward her. She gazed into his gray eyes, piercing his soul. He didn't tell her that he saw no one, save a muggle jeweler, his wife and Regulus. Still, he appeared as if he had a great secret that he wanted to share with her and he was excited, yet concerned.

"No," she replied flatly and she sighed, throwing down the card from her drawing pile, watching it explode.

"Where's Bryce?"

"Well, shit hit the fan and he had to go."

"I've no idea what that means, Dee," he said.

"It means that Moody just came and picked him up. They just left actually."

"Wonder why no one told me?"

"Guess you were on the road?"

Cassie busied herself with making a cottage pie while Sirius left for his study. He had said that it was a surprise and that she wasn't allowed to peek. When he returned he was unusually happy and they talked about the cards in the spread that had continued to show up in various spreads. She confronted him about the fact that he wasn't the real secret keeper and when she inquired about the identity of the wizard in question. When he realized that she had already figured it all out, he attempted to sooth her fears to no avail.

They finished their meal and left for an evening ride in the country and ended up at his parents' house in London, saying that he had familial business to conduct. He brought her to the Tapestry Room and explained to her, his family's lineage. Sirius called for Kreacher and ordered him to fetch his family immediately and to meet him in the corridor. He had met them all outside in the corridor and presented the rings to his parents and delighted in watching his mother almost faint from shock. Orion and Walburga added their magic to the rings, strengthening the spell. Sirius asked Kreacher to let The Dark Lord know that his presence was requested in the corridor outside the Tapestry Room. Sirius entered the room followed by his parents and his brother, The Dark Lord and finally Kreacher. Sirius pulled up a chair and asked her to sit, winking at her. Then, he took a knee and gazed into her eyes as he withdrew the rings from his pocket and showed them to her.

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