Righting the Wrongs

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Kingsley Shacklebolt apparated into the holding area of the Auror's department and was met by Rufus Scrimgeour. "What's this," he demanded.

"Peter Pettigrew," Kingsley said. "I think we owe someone a very large apology."

"You're certain this is Pettigrew?"

Kingsley nodded. "Oh yes," he said as he released Peter to a guard for processing.

"How did you find him?"

"Oddly enough, we didn't."

"Who did then?"

"I did," came a voice from behind Moody and Dora as they approached their department head. His eyes were focused on the floor and then he looked up into Rufus Scrimgeour's eyes finally.

 His eyes were focused on the floor and then he looked up into Rufus Scrimgeour's eyes finally

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"You're either very brave or very foolish coming here, Black. You don't deserve to wear that coat."

"No? Take it off me then. If you can." The voice that escaped his throat was so steely that it surprised even himself.

Moody walked up and stopped just short of his former boss. "I always told you that he was one of the best and brightest this department ever had--even if he's a bit unconventional."

Scrimgeour huffed and turned on his heel and walked toward his office.

"There'll be hell to pay for sure, but I think we've all been through worse," Kingsley said quietly. "You better get back home--Cassie and the kids are probably climbing the walls."

Sirius nodded. "Yeah--"

"No, no, no--you can't go just yet son--there's some paperwork waiting for your signature--" Moody said. "You remember how much I love my paperwork, don't you?"

Sirius nodded and grimaced. "Oh yeah--but wait--you're retired."

"That's right--that's why it's in Shacklebolt's office now--" Seeing Sirius' raised brow he smiled. "Good--come on--"

Kingsley unlocked the door to his office with a specific wand wave and a touch of his hand and opened the door, ushering Sirius in as Moody pulled up the rear closing the door behind him.

Kingsley walked over to a wall safe, unlocked and opened it, then withdrew a file. Sirius craned his neck trying to see what it was that he was pulling out. Kingsley finally returned to his desk and opened the file and Sirius realized that it was his file. He opened it and withdrew a sheet of old yellowed parchment and presented it to Sirius and pointed to the quill at the edge of his desk.

"Just date it for--lets say--24 August--1975."


"Perhaps you ought to let him read it first, Shacklebolt."

Kingsley sighed. "Very well--go on--read it."

Sirius picked up the paper and looked it over and noted several of the signatures belonging to Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moody, and lastly, Mathelda Hopkirk. He placed his hand over his mouth and sniffled hard as he realized he was viewing his grant to study the Animagus charm. He put the quill to the paper and did as he was instructed with a shaky hand. Oddly enough, it looked as if a teenager had written the signature. "Thank you," he whispered finally.

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