Love, Loss and Ratfinks

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Sirius and Kingsley worked on the sidecar since they both rolled out of bed and Cassie called them in for lunch when the sun was high in the sky. Since Kingsley had said that he wanted to try some American food, she prepared Coney Island Hot Dogs for lunch. She had cut up a plain hot dog for Harry and paired it with macaroni and cheese. She remembered that it was a favorite of her brothers when they were Harry's age. Then for dessert, she brought out the pièce de résistance: Strawberry Jello...Harry reached for it immediately, while Sirius wrinkled his nose and shook his head. Kingsley however, was eager to try it and seemed to enjoy rolling it around in his mouth as Sirius looked on with amusement.

Sirius and Kingsley disapparated for Godric's Hollow to find that James and Lily's bodies had been removed and the muggle authorities were all over trying to piece together what had happened. Sirius and Kingsley decided to go into the house and were met immediately by a policeman.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, I'm afraid you're not allowed to be in here."

"This was my friend's house--where is he?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss then, sir."

Once again, the reality of what had happened washed over Sirius and his face crumbled.

"Why don't you take a seat, sir," the policeman said gently as he led Sirius to the sofa.

"Do you know what happened," Kingsley asked.

"And you are?"

"Kingsley Shacklebolt--I too am a friend of the family."

"Truth is, we don't. There is no sign of foul play, no sign of forced entry, a struggle, nothing of that sort--only the wall and roof having been removed from the house from an explosion, We do know that there was an oil hearth along that wall and the Potters may have succumbed to the fumes and died from suffocation. It's a true mystery."

Kingsley nodded his head.

"The only reason we are still here is that the deceased appeared to have a child--a son by the looks of it."

Sirius nodded and looked up. "Yes--Harry--he's my godson."

A man in a trench coat approached. "Well, the tot is missing you see--that's why we've not vacated the premises. This very well may be a crime scene after all." He introduced himself as Inspector Jones.

Sirius looked up at Kingsley, whose facial expression was one of, play along. He put his head in his hands and found that it wasn't difficult to produce tears. He looked back up and eyed the policeman and grabbed at his wrist. "You have to find him," he whispered.

"We are looking, sir."

"Where is James and Lily?"

"That was their names?"

"Yes," Sirius said nodding as the investigator wrote them down. Sirius gave the man the answers to pertinent information, including where to find him as he wondered why, if Sirius was Harry's godfather, why he didn't get to the house sooner.

"Ah, you live in Scotland. Well, that explains it."

"James and Lily--where are they?"

"Ah yes, forgive me. They're in the morgue sir."

Sirius closed his eyes and shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Of course they are."

"We'll ring you if we have any new developments. Please take my card. If you think of anything that will help us get to the bottom of this, please don't hesitate?"

Sirius smiled and nodded and thought of how many times he had said that very thing to victims or those left behind as he took the card and looked at it thoughtfully.

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