Perfect Imperfection

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A green fire swept Sirius up the chimney and within moments, he was  sliding on his back into the kitchen of this parents' home. He realized  that he was looking up at his brother who was offering his hand. Sirius  took his hand and was lifted to his feet. Regulus threw his arms around  his brother and held him close.

"I'm so sorry, Sirius," he whispered.

Sirius pulled away and looked into his brother's gray eyes. "Thank you," he said dumbfounded. "How did you know?"

"I felt it. All day. We all did. I didn't know what it was. I reckon Mum did though, she's been a mess all day."

Sirius looked to the table and saw seven Death Eaters milling about  the kitchen as if awaiting orders. Only leStrange eyed him with  suspicion; the others ignored him as they snacked on food and drink and talked among themselves. Lucius Malfoy rose from an upholstered chair that was situated in the corner and approached him and Sirius looked behind him in the corner by the back door and noticed two more Death Eaters. He was surrounded and he instinctively reached for his wand,  only to be stopped by Regulus. "Fuck me! Out of the fire and into the frying pan!"

"They'll not harm you, the Dark Lord has forbidden it," Malfoy said  quickly as he approached Sirius. "You and my Lady have mine and my family's deepest sympathies, Sirius." He bowed his head and closed his eyes.

"Thank you," he said then turned to face Regulus. "Where's Mum and Dad," Sirius asked to his brother.

"In the Tapestry Room. Come on."

Sirius followed his brother up the stairs and down the corridor.  Regulus knocked on the door, opened it announcing his brother and then stepped aside, ushering him in. Sirius saw his parents on the other side  of the room seated before Cassie's place on the huge magical fabric.  His father turned around and quickly, rose from his chair and approached  him, his hand extended.

"I'm so sorry, Son," he said taking Sirius' hand in his. "Your mother is quite distraught, and quite beside herself actually. Proceed with  caution and take care."

Sirius took in a deep breath and approached his mother's chair. Not  having any clue how to deal with her, he thought a gentle approach would  be best and he knelt down next to her and placed his hand on hers. She continued to stare forward at the wall in silence. What was only a matter of seconds, felt like an eternity to him and he was at a loss as  to what to do...Finally, she spoke.

"I almost lost you twice," she said quietly and finally turned her  head and looked into her son's eyes. "You were very hard on me. Most of your life you've been hard on me, until now. Well, stand up and let me look at you?"

Sirius rose from his stooped position and stood before his mother and saw her smile.

"I still see the face of the lost little boy in the young man before me." Then her eyes narrowed. "Let me see your shoes."

Sirius raised his brow and lifted the hem of his dress robes and the left leg of his trousers to reveal black socks and highly polished black  shoes.

Walburga put her hand to her heart. "No boots?"

"Wasn't appropriate," he said quietly and his straight face produced a grin. "Besides, they don't go."

Walburga dabbed at her eyes with her handkerchief and chuckled to herself. "At least you've inherited my fashion sense."


She looked deep into her eldest son's eyes and shook her head. "I am so very sorry. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now?"

"All kinds of things. Mostly, bemusement I reckon."


"There is a particular look on your face that I am not accustomed to seeing, at least not for me at any rate."

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