Daddy Dearest

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"Sirius, don't leave me," Cassie asked as she stared deep into his eyes and grabbed his hand.

He shook his head. "I won't."


"I promise. Remember what you were taught-we know him to be a skilled legillimens, so keep working that puzzle-maze in your head. I'll be in there with you."

He thought the best part of being in what he could only described as the mazes in her mind, was that they were very much like walking through a thickened primeval wood; trees and thick brush abounded...he found it to be quite beautiful and quite comforting. The canopy was fill with gnarled branches of all shapes and sizes and when you could see the night sky above, he realized that he was viewing the constellation of Cassiopeia. While on this particular duty though, he would station himself just outside what could only be described as the main entrance, just on the outskirts of her mind. He chose to protect her as Padfoot, rather than himself and sat quietly, waiting...

She nodded, closed her eyes for a moment and swallowed hard. "Okay."

The pair stepped through the threshold at number 12 Grimmauld Place, where Sirius grew up. Sirius' brother Regulus greeted them. He smiled and took her hand. "Sirius was right, you are indeed beautiful!"

Suddenly embarrassed and shy, she blushed profusely and lowered her eyes to the floor. "Thank you, she replied meekly.

"They're waiting for you in the sitting room," he said.

"Hold on," Sirius said.

Regulus looked to his brother with confusion. "Why?"

Sirius produced his wand from it's holster and he pointed it toward Cassie and instantaneously, she was clad in full wizard-regalia. She yelped from the surprise. "Sorry, but it's appropriate."

"Wish you'd let me know you were going to do that," she grumbled.

Regulus smiled warmly as Sirius waved his wand before himself and he too was donned in his finest.

"Come on," he said. "This way."

Even though Sirius knew the layout of the house like the back of his hand, he realized that he was now a guest and followed his brother toward the parlor, where once inside, Sirius saw a small circular table with four chairs that didn't belong there. His parents here seated in which two were directly across from one another the other two were unoccupied.

She looked around the large room at the pristine glassed curio cases. She spied a large photograph of Sirius at the piano, in formal-wear, looking very much as he appeared as an adult. She thought he looked to be about fifteen or so. There was a color wizarding-photograph of Sirius' hands on the keys and she looked at it thoughtfully. She sensed feelings of pride as she gazed at the photo.

"Miss playing," she asked.

"Sometimes," Sirius replied as he walked past her toward his parents.

"Sometimes," Sirius replied as he walked past her toward his parents

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