All I Want To Be Is By Your Side

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Padfoot heard a knock on the door and looked over at the clock; they had both overslept. He hopped off the bed and trotted to the door and once at the door, he let out a soft, quiet woof and heard quiet chuckling on the other side.

"Pads, let me in," Remus said.

Padfoot thought for a moment about trans-morphing into Sirius, then thought better of it. Instead, he trotted back to the bedroom and laid his head on the mattress right next to Cassie's face and licked her face.

"Uggg—dog germs!" Cassie giggled. "Is Remus here already? Gods and I'm not even out of bed yet. Thanks for not waking me up, Fur face. I didn't even hear the alarm! Apparently, you didn't either."

Padfoot huffed and trotted back to the door and barked.

"She's not up yet, is she," Remus asked through the door. Moments later, he heard the tumblers of the locks turning and the chain being removed and the door finally opening. Cassie peeked out from the crack in the door and yawned, motioning him inside. "Good morning, Darling—I see you're not dressed yet."

"Hell, I'm not even awake yet. I set the alarm for PM instead of AM, I'm so sorry—come in. Would you brew some coffee please? I'll hurry up and get dressed—"

He chuckled again, "of course."

Padfoot held his leash in his mouth and stared up at Remus grinning.

"If you think I'm taking you for a walk, you're out of your motorbike-riding mind, Sirius," Remus whispered gruffly.

Padfoot huffed and trotted back toward the bedroom. Remus darted in front of him and blocked his path.

"Hey! She's getting dressed in there—get back over to the door!"

Padfoot stopped and turned his head, grinning again.

"You're an arse."

Padfoot nodded his head once and sat in front of the cracked bedroom door as if to guard it.

"And stay out of her room. It's bad enough that I know you sleep in the same room with her at night, but I don't particularly want to see you with her when she's you know—very probably nearly naked. Thanks. Now IF you'll excuse me, I've been asked to make coffee."

Padfoot rolled his eyes. He thought that Remus would lose his marbles if he knew that not only did he sleep in the same room with her, but on her bed, and sometimes, snuggled up to her as well...her body was soft and warm and she always smelled good...

"Remus, would you mind walking Snuffes for me while I'm getting ready, please?"

Remus grumbled and rolled his eyes. "Certainly, Dear." Remus held out his hand for the leash, still in Padfoot's mouth, only to grab where it had become wet and slobbery. "Lovely. Come on, you."

Remus took Padfoot to the elevator and pressed the down button. Soon the doors opened and he peered inside.

"I trust that you can make it the rest of the way on your own?"

Padfoot looked up at the ceiling toward a corner then grabbed the sleeve of Remus's coat with his teeth, tugging him into the elevator with him.

"Hey, mind the coat!"

Padfoot hopped up and pressed all of the buttons with his huge paws and the doors closed. He walked to the back of the small elevator and sat facing the door, trying to avert Remus's attention to the security camera in the corner of the elevator at the ceiling by huffing and looking up.

"Ah come on, honestly!"

When Sirius's floor number lit up, did he stand and moved to walk to the doors. "You better have a good reason for bringing me down here with you!"

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