Sibling Salute!

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Lillian walked through the forest with her arms wrapped around herself. Her mind was racing with so many emotions and thoughts. She couldn't shake the memory of how Zuko's eyes shined with all that hope, she had to do something. "Hey Lil, What's the matt-"Shane started before Shin shot up and gasped, "Does he know?????" Lillian shook her head, "He wants to capture a Tenshi now. I don't know how to talk him out of it." Shin and Shane shared a concerned look before Lillian continued, "I've decided that I am going to stay with Zuko, if he considers to capture one of our own, I will be there to set things right and to make sure he never finds the sky temple or any other Tenshi." The boys watched their sister's eyes, she really cared for Zuko and would do anything to protect him. "You know how and where to find us Lilly, we understand."Shin said, Shane stood up and placed a hand on Shin and Lilly's shoulder, "We only just found each other and now we are separating once more." Shin smiled at his brother and then looked at Lillian, " I guess this is where we say goodbye, not only to our sister, but to a strong tenshi." The boys bowed before their sister and stated the sibling salute.

Shin: Goodbyes are not forever...

Shane: Goodbyes are not the end...

Shin and Shane: They simply mean I'll miss you...

Lillian: Until we meet again...

Lillian smiled as the tears formed in her eyes, she hugged her brother's one last time before she headed back to the banished Prince. Lillian smiled, she found some humor in the fact that Zuko wants to hunt down a Tenshi and the Avatar... 'The banished Prince of the Fire nation is set out to hunt down the Avatar to regain his honor! His Best friend, Lillian Titan also known as the Princess of the Tenshi with her trusty Lionshark Kasai set out with the Prince who now hunts a Tenshi too but yet has to figure that one is right by his side and that she is destined to protect the Avatar until he enter's the next cycle'

Lillian smirked as she walked into the camp and watch Zuko saddle up his Rhino and Kasai. "Are we ready to get back to uncle and hear about Pai sho and tea?"Lillian asked as she snuck up behind Zuko almost startling him. He smiled at her and nodded, "Are you ready to get back to sparring three times a day with the best fire bender on the ship?"He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. Lillian Sat on Kasai's saddle and placed her hand under her chin, I thought captain Lee was too busy for any sparring?" Zuko's arms fell to his sides, "Hey! I meant me!"Lillian laughed as she flicked the reins and took off before Zuko could throw a fire ball at her. Zuko smiled as he watched her head fall back from laughter, 'One day Lilly, all of this will be over and we will return to our nation as hero's...' Zuko thought as he pulled out a large white feather from his bag, 'And then we can be truly happy again...'


Lillian and Zuko finally returned to the harbor where they had left the ship. All the crew men had returned and it seemed that Iroh had no trouble in keeping them busy with Pai sho. Lillian took Kasai's saddle off before she hugged the old tea man, she noticed that there was a new guard on the ship but shrugged it off knowing that many will come and go on this journey.

"I am glad to see that my nephew and our beautiful fire Lilly is still in one piece. Did anything interesting happen?"Iroh asked as he released Lillian from his embrace, Lillian laughed under her breath as she looked at Zuko "You have no idea General Iroh."A small smile appeared on Zuko's face as Lillian watched him. "That's wonderful, you must tell me everything over a cup of your famous jasmine tea!" Iroh said as he rested his hand on Zuko's shoulder. "I will General Iroh, but first... I am dying for a hot bat with some lavender salts."

Zuko and Iroh watched as Lillian walked into the hallway of the ship, she had her spirit back and it was all thanks to her finding her family again. 

"Prince Zuko, now that Lady Lilly is out of ear shot, I have some news that might affect our journey from here on."Iroh said with a grim voice. Zuko raised his brow as Iroh handed him a scroll with the royal ribbon on. "You must read it and then speak to her about it, I feel that she will take the news better with your support." Zuko looked down at the scroll in his hand, 'What could it be now?'


Hello my weirdo Zuko love rivals... 

Just kidding.

Sorry it took so long to update. I will be updating to once a week now as the new swimming season will be starting tomorrow and I need to teach our future generations how to swim!

Please continue to comment, vote and ask questions, or even give some advice!

I love hearing different views but also remember this is a Fanfiction, so do keep that in mind.

Lets see if we can get 10 votes on this chapter and 10 comments again!

<3 Darkninja....

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