They kept their relationship a secret but they still wrapped their arms around each other in public out of habit. Hoseok was so happy even though he still got abused, he was so happy that he had Taehyung, that Taehyung was his. However little did he know that his happiness would come to a end.

Six months later Taehyung and Hoseok we're still a happy couple, they were making out in Taehyung's room as his parents were out. Hoseok's hands were running through Taehyung's hair as Taehyung wrapped his arms around his neck. They didn't notice the door open and they definitely didn't notice when the door to Taehyung's room opened revealing a very angry father "Taehyung!"

Hoseok clearly flinched as soon as he heard that, both boys separated quickly. Hoseok was terrified to leave Taehyung alone with his father but Taehyung kept insisting "Hyung go!" Taehyung begged and pushed Hoseok out.

Hoseok was nervous leaving Taehyung like that but it was all forgotten when he got beaten by both his parents as soon as he stepped foot "Taehyung's dad called saying you were kissing his son! Are you gay now?! You faggot! You're such an embarrassment and disgrace!" Hoseok's father yelled as he beat Hoseok and all Hoseok could do was apologise which was not heard.

The next day Hoseok left early to visit Taehyung at his house as it was a Sunday. He knocked and Taehyung answered the door.

"Tae, are you okay?" Hoseok asked worriedly.

"We're breaking up." Taehyung said coldly as a response.

Hoseok was frozen in spot "w-what?"

"You heard me we're over, I never loved you. I was just testing things out and I'm clearly straight" Taehyung spat out "now leave and never approach me again." Taehyung said before slamming the door shut, leaving a very shocked and hurt Hoseok.

Hoseok trudged back to his house and quietly entered the house as he hoped his parents didn't notice that he left but he was wrong. He got beaten and like always his parents didn't hear his apologies. After a while of getting used to the pain Hoseok stood up on shaky legs to go up in his room and stay there for the rest of the day. He laid on his bed and cried. He cried and cried that he ended up crying himself to sleep.

The day after wasn't any better, he was still getting bullied. His bully's name being Yonguk, punched him straight in his face "heard you actually are gay, god you're such a faggot" Yonguk laughed and punched Hoseok's stomach to make him double over before kicking his legs making him fall to the ground. Hoseok was in so much pain just by the mere movement from his previous wounds which caused him to groan.

Yonguk smirked "oh? We haven't even laid a finger on you and you're already in pain?"

Hoseok didn't say anything which lead to one of his friends grabbing his hair and pulling it back harshly "talk back when you're spoken to kid"

"S-sorry" Hoseok whimpered out which caused all of them to laugh.

"Awh the faggot's actually apologising!" Daehyun laughed and wiped at his eyes "let's have some fun boys."

At that the boy who gripped Hoseok's hair forcefully pushed Hoseok's head down causing it to hit the floor harshly. Hoseok's vision blurred as tears rimmed the corner of his eyes. Hoseok felt another blow to his side, then another on his back "p-please stop" Hoseok begged but they only laughed and beat him even more until the bathroom door opened. Hoseok was so glad he was in a position where the person couldn't see his face.

"Oh hey Taehyung" Hoseok froze when he heard the name.

"What's going on here Zelo?"

"Teaching a kid a lesson for being a fag" the the kid named Zelo, who he assumed was the one that gripped his hair, laughed "want to help? We've been trying to beat some sense in him since his first year."

Hoseok sucked in a breath when there wasn't a response but he soon heard footsteps approaching him and straight after a kick to his back.

"Yes Taehyung" Zelo cheered as Taehyung punched him a few times before grabbing his hair tightly and lifting his head up.

Hoseok's eyes were squeezed shut so he couldn't see Taehyung. He didn't want to see him or his expression after finding out one out of the two things he kept from Taehyung.

On Taehyung's side he was extremely shocked to see Hoseok's face. He never once expected that the older was bullied but he knew if he backed out now he'd be a target for Zelo and his group so he brought Hoseok's head down harshly making it bang on the floor.

Hoseok's vision blurred completely and he could hear ringing in his ears. Last thing he registered was another punch before passing out on the bathroom floor.

Most days went on like that, he was beaten up at school and as soon as he got home he'd hear his mother screaming at him along with his dad's beatings and to make things worse Taehyung would sometimes join in on the beatings at school. Not to mention he got a girlfriend a couple weeks later. Taehyung wouldn't even spare Hoseok a glance unless he wanted to beat him with the other five.

To say Hoseok was depressed was a understatement. He couldn't even get the pills for it because his parents didn't care if he lived or not. His only resort was his razors. He would cut to make him feel better even if it was just a little.

But when he reached 13 years old Hoseok decided to run. Run away from home, school, Taehyung, the place that caused him so much pain and suffering. He waited till his parents went to sleep before packing a backpack and leaving the house. Hoseok ran to where his feet took him. He ended up at a train station and got on the next train leaving this retched place. Hoseok watched as the train left through the window. He knew this train was heading to Seoul but he didn't know what to do once he actually got there.

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