Chapter 24-

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"Oh" he said, looking at the ground. "Yeah. Why'd you do it? You sick, twisted BASTARD!" I shook my head and crossed my arms in disgust. I hated him so much. "Um... I hit her because she.... She resisted" he made eye contact now. I was beyond pissed. "You. Little. Shit" I clenched my teeth. "Watch what you say little miss" he warned. I huffed. He was right... I gotta watch what I say. I don't want to be pregnant again. But I was beyond pissed. I opened my mouth to say something else, but as soon as I did, Jaxon pinned me against the wall and crashed his lips onto mine. I cringed and tried to push him off of me but it didn't work, so I kicked him in the balls and he stumbled back. I took that opportunity to rush into the room that I had told Rosie to stay in, slamming the door shut and pushing a dresser up against it. I huffed and slumped against the wall, blowing stray blonde hairs out of my face. "Mommy..." Rosie whispered. "Yeah sweetie?" I smiled weakly. "Are you okay?" She asked quietly, sitting on my lap. "I'm fine baby girl" I lied. She snuggled up against my chest and sighed. "You ok angel?" I asked, stroking her hair. "No mommy" she admitted. "What's wrong?" "I'm scared" she whispered, looking up at me with her big, blue-green eyes. She has my eye color, but Jaxon's light brown hair. "It's okay baby. It's ok" I soothed.

---12 years later (SOWWY I skipped a lot... But... Y'know... I have an idea I think)---

"Grace! Give me my phone!" Lacie screamed at Grace as Ally and Mel attempted to break up what was soon to be 2 teenage girls fighting. Rosemarie on the other hand was sitting on the couch, reading. She's so much like me, it's really scary. The girls are now 16 years old and Rose applied for a modeling job and we're waiting to hear back from them. "Can you two shut the hell up?! I am trying to read Allegiant!" She yelled. I think it's kinda bad how obsessed she is with the Divergent trilogy- who am I kidding?! I sobbed when I finished Allegiant. Lacie and Gracie were still fighting over Lacie's phone, and Rose got pissed, got up, and stormed up to her room with her book. I rolled my eyes and jogged up after her. "Hey" I said, entering her bedroom. "Hi" she shrugged, laying on her stomach on her bed, not looking up from the page she was on, her brown hair falling over her face. "Almost done with the book?" I questioned. "Mhmmmm" she responded. "What part are you on?" "I'm right where Tobias is uh... He's um... The uhh zipline" She stuttered, choking on her words. I knew what she meant. "So you're pretty much done" I nodded. "Yeah..." She said sadly. I laughed lightly as her phone started ringing. She grabbed it, falling off the bed in the process and answered it. "Hello?" "Yes" "I did?" "Thank you so much!" "Okay! Bye!" She hung up the phone and squealed. This is a good sign. "Modeling agency?" I guessed. She nodded excitedly. "They offer you a job?" I smirked. "Yes!" She squealed again, jumping up and down. "Congrats sweetie" I smiled, kissing the top of her head. "I start tomorrow" she beamed. I hugged her and she squealed, yet again, flopping onto her back on the bed and grinning up at the ceiling. "Okay, I'll leave you to your happy self" I laughed slightly as I walked out of the room.

--next day---

--Rose POV--

I hopped out of bed, rushing to get ready. I jumped into the shower and styled my hair, singing Look After You quietly as I blow dried my light brown hair. I threw a cute 50s looking dress and my dark tan cowgirl boots on, swiped some makeup on, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and rushed back downstairs. "See y'all later!" I called, pulling the front door closed behind me. I had gotten my license for my 16th birthday, and I got a used car, which I loved to death. I climbed into my light blue nissan leaf and pulled out of the driveway, singing along to Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran as I drove with the sunroof opened, allowing the summer sun to warm my skin. I smiled as I drove to my first day of work.


"Alright Rosemarie, turn to your right, tilt your head back, smile, perfect!" The photographer nodded. "Okay, blow a kiss to the camera" he ordered, and yet another photo was taken and I was done for the day. I took a gulp of my water as the song Nobody Compares by One Direction played through the speakers. I sang and smiled as I started to gather my things. "You're a really good singer. And you're really pretty" an extremely hot male model named Dustin complimented. "Awww thanks Dustin. You're sweet" I blushed. "Hey, can I get your number?" He asked. I nodded and we swapped numbers. "Can we hang out?" He quizzed. "Sure" I shrugged. "Okay, cool. But can it be at your place? Mine is messy and... Yeah" he laughed lightly and I froze, my blood running cold. "Um... Dustin... We can't... I... Um... I'm sorry... We can't" I mumbled, turning away. "Hold on! Why not?" He asked, catching me by the arm. "We can't... We can't go to my house" I sighed heavily. "Why?" He shook his head. I gulped. "My um... I... Uh... Dad is sick and nobody can really come over" I lied. "But we won't be in his way-" "Dustin, I'm sorry" I whispered, walking away. I sighed sadly as I drove home. "Mom!" I yelled as I walked into the old, creepy house that I had come to know as home. "In the kitchen!" She called. I threw my keys into the bowl in the entry hall and stormed into the kitchen. "How was your first day?" She smiled. "Great, other than... I met a guy... And he... Wanted to come over here..." I stated. "Rose, you can't have anyone over, you know that" mom said sternly. "I know... That's why I told him we couldn't hang out" I said in extreme dissapointment. "I'm sorry sweetie" she mumbled into my hair. She kissed the top of my head and walked out of the room. "Rosemarie, I need to have a little... Chat with you" my dad (cringe) smirked, his light brown eyes sparkling evilly as he sauntered into the kitchen. For the most part, I try to avoid my dad... But there are times that I can't; these are going to be one of those times, and it isn't going to be fun. "I'm not in the mood to chat dad" I shook my head. "Come here ya little brat!" He hissed, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me to his bedroom. Ahhh shit...

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