Why Did This Happen?...

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I layed on the mattress, too shocked to do anything. I was in too much pain to move. I had just been "violated". Ally, Melody, and I were left by ourselves on our own mattresses. None of us talked. But we were all thinking the same thing- 'what if I'm pregnant?' Ally finally broke the silence (Melody had fallen asleep). "Natalie?" Ally's voice startled me out of my thoughts. "Yeah Ally?" I said back, staring at the ceiling. "Do you think we're... Pregnant?" she asked. I sighed in response. She knew what that meant- it meant "I hope not, but I'm scared we are..." "I'm not ready" Ally said, her voice sounding like she was about to cry. I forced myself to get up, even though pain shot through my body. I walked over to Ally's mattress and plopped down next to her. Her hazel eyes stared up at me. "Come here Ally" I said, wrapping her in a comforting hug. "We're ok. It's ok" I assured her. I let her cry on my shoulder for a while and then it was my turn to cry. We stayed like that until Jaxon came in. Ally and I looked at him smirking at our tear-streaked faces. "Oh great" I muttered under my breath.

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