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I wake up from the horrible nightmare, drenched in a cold sweat. 'It was just a dream Natalie. Go back to sleep. It's ok. You're safe. Ally's safe. Riley's safe. Mel's safe. The girls are safe. It's all okay now' I told myself, and only half believing it. "Mommy?" I heard Rosie's sleepy voice float through the darkness. "Yes baby girl?" I responded. "I had bad dream" she choked out. Was she crying? "Aw Rosie, its ok. You're safe. Tell me about your dream baby girl" I soothed quietly, stroking Rosie's hair. "Well... Daddy was chasing us and... He was trying to hurt us and- mommy, it was so scary" she cried, nuzzling into my shirt. "Shhhh baby girl. It's ok" I tried to calm her down. "Nat?" I heard Ally's startled voice. "It's ok Ally, Rosie just had a bad dream" I said. "Aww, Rosie, its ok. We're all fine. We're safe, ok? Nobody's gonna hurt any of us" Ally said, walking over to the bed that Rosie and I shared. "You promise?" Rosie sniffled. "I promise" Ally answered, but I knew she didn't know. "Ok" Rosie laid back down and soon enough fell back to sleep. Ally went back to bed and so did I. This time, my dream was peaceful.

---1 HOUR LATER---

I woke up, startled. The room was still dark, but a tiny bit of light filtered in through the window. I glanced at the clock- 6 AM. (6 am is darkish where we live.) I could hear the relaxed breathing from everyone else in the room. I heard a tapping noise at the window. I cautiously glanced over to it but didn't see anything. 'Probably just the wind or something. It's ok' i thought to myself as I snuggled back into the warm covers. A few minutes later, I was jarred out of sleep again by the same tapping. This time, it was a little louder. I looked at the window again and saw an outline of a person. I grabbed Rosie and held her tight to my body. I kept my eyes glued on the window. Another tap. I got out of bed, careful not to wake Rosie up. I slid the covers over Rosie's head so the person outside wouldn't see her- my top priority was keeping her safe. I crouched down and quietly went to the other side if the window where the person wouldn't be able to see me. I had my phone in my hand and I got prepared to dial 911. I cautiously peeked out the window and I froze- the person smiling evilly outside the window was none other than the devil himself- Jaxon.

Truth Or Dare- The Murder House...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz