Never Should Have Played...

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Riley screamed as she was pulled off of her feet and dragged into the house. "NOOOO! RILEY!!!!" Ally, Caitlin, Emily and I screamed. The door slammed shut and we heard Riley's screams of terror and it also sounded like screams of pain... "We HAVE to go in there to save Riley!" I yelled. "Natalie wait! If we go in there, we could die" Ally said softly as she grabbed my arm to stop me from going any closer to the door. "If we don't go, Riley might die. If you don't want to go, then stay here or go home. I'm going to get Riley" I claimed as I tore away from Ally's grip. I stormed towards the door as I heard Ally come behind me. I turned to face her and she said; "I can't let you face this alone." "Thank you" I replied and smiled. Emily stepped onto the porch too and said she would come with us. That left Caitlin who was standing on the walkway. We all stared at her until she said "whaaaaaat?" We kept staring. "Ok fine! I'll come too!" She finally muttered unhappily. Caitlin trudged up the rickety steps to the porch to where the rest of us stood. "Good. We're all going in. We have to be extremely careful. We have no idea what or who is in that house with Riley." Right as I said that, we all heard a scream that made our hair stand on end and our blood curdle. "Oh no. Was that...?" Emily trailed off. "One way to find out" Ally said, her voice barely steady as she started opening the door.

N/A: Hey guys. Finally! I got to update. I can't wait until I finish the story. What will happen next? It's not close to done yet though and it will only get more and more exciting. So please keep commenting and liking and following me. Thanks Love y'all.

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