Nowhere to run- nowhere to hide

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I saw a girl on the bed. She couldn't be older than 14, she looked absolutely petrified and hurt- she had cuts and bruises all up her arms and legs. Her clothes were ripped and dirty. "Hello, what's your name?" I asked her quietly so He (the murderer)  wouldn't hear me. "I'm Melody, I'm 14. Who are you?" she asked quietly. She was a pretty girl- wavy red hair, skinny as a rod (kinda like me but skinnier), bright violet eyes, and light caramel colored skin. "I'm Natalie. I'm 15" I responded, trying to push the dresser up against the door. "Oh. I've been here since I was 10. I haven't seen you around" Melody said, her gorgeous violet eyes staring straight into my soul. "That's because I just got here an hour ago- wait... you have been here since you were 10?!" I responded. "Yeah... Jaxon didn't kill me- yet. I was terrified when you came in hear because I heard Jaxon coming and when the door opened I thought it was him" she sighed. "His name is Jaxon?" I asked. At least now I know his name. "Yup. You don't want to get him mad" she warned. "Wellllll..... about that I-" I was cut off by Jaxon trying to break down the door. "YOU MADE HIM MAD? YOU ARE GOING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED!" Melody screamed in a hushed tone. "Sorry, but now we gotta hide!" I screamed in a hushed tone back. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! AND WHEN I GET TO YOU, YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER RAN AWAY FROM ME!" I heard Jaxon shouted so loud the house shook as he continued to try breaking down the door. I hid in the closet but Melody told me she should stay where she was because he already knew she was in there. After about 5 minutes of loud banging and cursing, I heard the door break. "Dang it!" I screamed in my head. I stayed as quiet as possible. "MELODY WHERE IS SHE?!" I heard Jaxon yell. "Who?" Melody asked. "DON'T PLAY DUMB!" I heard him shout and then I heard a loud and hard smack and I knew he had slapped Melody. "She must be in the closet..." Jaxon said in a really weird voice that made goosebumps rise on my arms and legs. I heard his combat boots thud against the old wooden floor as he came closer to the closet.



I held my breath. The door opened. "There you are" Jaxon said, standing over me. I couldn't run- he was blocking my way out.

N/A Long part (I think). anyway, what do you think? give me some ideas :) thanks. love ya'll. comment, tell your friends, vote. Thanks. Bye 4 now. :)

Truth Or Dare- The Murder House...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें