How Is She Still Alive?!...

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"Riley! I thought you were... d-dead" I stuttered. "Oh. Nope. I'm fine Nat, just a little banged up is all" Riley answered, I could practically see her smiling. "But... We SAW YOU GET KILLED!" I shrieked. "Well... Ya know the acting classes I take on Fridays after school?" Riley asked. "Yeah..." I trailed off. "I faked my death so that Jaxon would think I died. Right when he left, I got up and ran" she giggled- I missed her so much.- "COME HOME RILEY! MOM THINKS YOU'RE DEAD!" I told her. "That's why I called you, to tell you I was coming home" she answered bubbly. "Ok, but Riley... HURRY UP!" I ordered. "Don't worry Natalie, I'm in our front yard now" she said. "Ok, I'll tell mom you're alive and that you're home" I said. "M'kay. See you in like 1 minute" Riley answered. We both hung up and I turned to Ally and Mel. "She's ok" I smiled. "Riley is?" Ally asked, clearly in shock. "YEAH!" I exclaimed as I bolted down the steps. I opened the front door and Riley stood on the porch. "Ri-Ri" I choked out. "Nat-kat" she stuttered. We hugged and cried tears of happiness. "MOM! SHE'S OK! RILEY'S OK!" I yelled. My mom ran into the foyer and smiled. "RILEY!" she gasped as she hugged both of us. "Ow" Riley mumbled. "What is it?" our mom asked. "My side hurts" Riley sighed. "We'll take you to the doctor in the morning" my mom told her. "You look so different Riley" I grinned. "Well, I'd hope so. I'm 16 now" she scoffed. "Wait... Riley... If we were gone for 4 years and you ran the day we got to that house, then how come you weren't home 4 years ago?" I trailed off. "Oh... ABOUT  that... Um... I was running home and someone was walking down the street. Well the person stopped and dragged me the other way. I thought I was being kidnapped so naturally, I tried screaming, but the person explained that they thought that I was a runaway and they wanted to take me to their house... So... They didn't let me leave... I only got away because she got called into work late so I took my chance and I ran..." Riley explained. "Mommy? Who is this?" Rosie asked, coming down the stairs. "I have the same question about her..." Riley looked at me with a weird glare. "It's a loooooong story..." I began.


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