We Need To Get Out Of Here...

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-----------4 YEARS LATER-------------

I watched and smiled as Rosie, who was now 4 years old, giggle as she twirled and danced around the room. "You are such a goof Rosie" I laughed. "MOMMY!" she yelled, just now noticing I was in the room. She stopped spinning and ran over to me, collapsing into my arms. "Woah, I dizzy mommy" she grinned. "I bet. Now go find Lacie and Gracie" (Gracie is Amelia-Grace's nickname) I smiled back at my beautiful little girl. "Ok mommy" Rosie giggled as she ran off down the hall. 'I love her so much' I thought to myself as I walked into the bedroom Ally, Mel and I still shared. The girls slept upstairs and we slept downstairs and Jaxon slept 3 doors down from ours. "Hey Nat, where's Rose?" Mel asked, looking up from the book she was reading. "She went to go find Lacie and Gracie" I laughed. "Oh. Are they playing hide and seek?" Mel asked. "Nah, Rosie was in the TV room spinning until she noticed I was in the room and I told her to go find Lacie and Gracie" I responded. "I see. Can you believe they're already 4?" Mel asked, setting her book down next to her. "I know right? Seems like just yesterday we were teaching them how to walk" I shook my head remembering the day they all were brought into this world. "So where's Ally?" I asked, sitting down. "She's upstairs with Amelia. I don't know where Lacie is. She's probably hiding- you know how she loves hiding from people" Mel smiled. "Yeah. She's something else Mel" I grinned. "I know. She's a great kid. They all are... They're so sweet, happy and innocent... We need to get them out of here... I don't want them to have to grow up here" Mel said sadly. "I know... Not a day goes by that I don't think of ways to get us and the girls out of here" I sighed. "MOMMY! COME FIND ME!" I heard Lacie yell from upstairs. "Well... My 10 minutes of peace was nice while it lasted" Mel smiled but  I knew she loved playing with her daughter. "I'm gonna go find Rosie" I smiled. We both walked up the old wooden stairs and immediately heard tiny feet scurrying and stifled giggles from the attic. Mel and I both froze. We haven't been in the attic since the day we got here- We didn't know if Caitlin and Emily were still up there and if they were, we didn't know if they were alive and that's why we never let our daughters up there. "Go get Ally and tell her that the kids are in the attic. I'm gonna go get them" I said frantically, running towards the attic stairs. "I'm on it" Mel said frantically, running into the girls' room. I ran up the attic stairs and stopped once I got to the top. I listened carefully. "Mommy? Come find us" I heard a giggle- it was Amelia-Grace's voice. "Gracie, Lacie, Rosie, come out right now" I ordered. "You have to find us" it was Rosie this time. "Girls, I am not messing around. Come out now" I said in a warning tone. "No! You have to find us!" I heard Lacie fire back. "AMELIA-GRACE, LACIE, AND ROSEMARIE, GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" I said sternly, getting mad now. "Why?" I heard them all say at the same time. "The attic is not a place for little girls, that's why. Now come out" I said. "FINE" I heard Gracie sigh. I saw 3 little forms come out from behind crates and boxes. 'Oh thank God they didn't find the secret room where... where Riley was.... *gulp* killed about 4 and a half years ago' I thought to myself. Just then, Ally came barreling up the attic stairs. "Amelia-Grace... What were you doing up here?" she asked sternly, hands on her hips. "Playing hide and seek" Gracie responded, looking at the ground. "We don't want you girls up here anymore, ok?" Ally ordered, looking at all of the girls. "Ok" they all sighed. "Good. Now lets go downstairs and we can play hide and seek down there, ok?" Ally smiled. "Ok mommy" Gracie smiled, taking Ally's hand and looking up at her with her big hazel-brown eyes that can make your heart melt in 1 second flat. "Uppy?" Rosie asked, tugging on my shirt. I turned around and scooped her up and carried her down the attic stairs. "Come on Lacie" I called behind me. "Coming" Lacie called back as she ran in front of me. Tonight- we're busting out of here.

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