No Escape

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I tried to scream but it came out stifled by the person's hand around my mouth. I kicked like crazy and tried to hit the person with the hand that wasn't pinned behind me. I successfully hit the person in the face. "OUCH!" a deep, gravelly man voice cried out. Now I knew what gender the person was- not that it helped much. He let go of me and held his jaw where I had smacked him. I ran as quickly as possible. The front door was locked. I frantically looked around. I heard the guy start to walk towards me. Not thinking, I ran to the left and up the staircase. "GET BACK HERE!" the man shouted behind me. I ran even faster down the hall until I found an unlocked door. I hid in the room and closed the door behind me. As soon as the door was closed and locked, I slouched against the wall until I was in a sitting position. I scanned the room. What I saw was absolutely horrifying.

N/A: Hey ya'll. Haven't updated in a little while. What do you guys and girls think so far. Any ideas for more of the story? Let me know please. I'm open to almost anything. Comment and everything. I think this story is going extremely well. Sorry this part was kinda short but I thought that the last sentence in this part was a perfect ending for this part. Love ya'll

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