47. CALUM P.O.V.

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'Nah, I'd rather stay home and... cuddle myself'

'Well, you shouldn't be cuddling yourself... it's not possible'

'Well, I have pillows...'

'But you also have me...'

'Calum,don't think I'll come running back to you just because Ashton did what he did. It's complicated... very complicated...I can't just run into your arms with tear stained cheeks'

' You can... Natalia, I love you! I've been thinking about you so much, and I can't stop thinking about you...You're so fucking beautiful, sexy, hot, angelic... you are a perfect woman, that men can only dream about! You're a goddess... and I could be your sex God...'

She smiled at me.

'Then be my sex God...'

I rushed to her and kissed her lips.She tangled her long fingers in my hair, as I held her by the waist.I backed her against the wall, and kissed her even deeper. My hands slid down her God sculpted body, and to her tight, big butt. She worked out a lot. I saw her by the pool, as I drank a beer and watched her in those tight, black NIKE shorts, and her butt was falling out of them. But then Ashton took her inside for a 'quickie', if you know what I mean...

I picked her up and carried her to the bed.She giggled as I threw her on the bed.I giggled too and started removing her clothes.

I can't believe she's mine... let's start over...

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