26 | A Game of Hide n' Seek

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That's how it went for the next week, wake up, go to school, go to work, dance, sleep. You loved it though. Soon, it was the day of the auditions. You ran over to Undyne's house with your suitcase full of clothes and stuff. You'd be at the competition for two weeks if you made it through the auditions. Yay! No school!

Undyne was packing everyone's bags into the trunk when you got there. You could see everyone waiting by the side of the car while talking about the auditions with excitement. "Hey guys," You said, smiling and waving at your friends. "HUMAN! YOU MADE IT!" Papyrus said excitedly while you handed your suitcase to Undyne. You turned and grinned at him, walking over to the small circle your friends were standing in. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Alright punks, it's time to go!" Undyne yelled, slamming the car trunk down so hard you were surprised it didn't break. Everyone climbed into the convertible and got in the same spots just as you all had been sitting in at prom.

It was very early in the morning and the sun hadn't even come up yet. The car top was down and you could still see stars. It would take five hours to get to the auditions since they started at six pm. Undyne started up the car and started to drive, heading towards the city. Alphys turned on the radio and a familiar song started to play. You smiled and listened to the song as you leaned against the open window, looking at the scenery that passed you.

With the wind blowing through your hair and the sun rising in the distance, you couldn't help but feel a huge wave of nostalgia wash over you, a contented smile on your face. You leaned against Sans and felt his arm wrap around you, the scenery passing you quickly as the convertible sped down the empty road.

You felt Sans lean down and kiss your cheek, a small blush on both of your faces at the action. You wrapped an arm around his shoulder and closed your eyes, hoping to get some sleep since you'd be in the car for five hours. Sans seemed to have the same idea because soon, you and him were in each other's embrace fast asleep.

• • •

Five hours later, you were awoken up by the convertible coming to a stop. You sat up and yawned, stretching your arms as Sans started to stir beside you. "Wake up darlings! We're here!" Mettaton said, excitement in his robotic voice.

You looked up and immediately your eyes widened.

The auditorium was huge, almost as large as a football stadium. The shiny metal beams stuck out of the roof in a slanted angle to make it look like waves. The walls were a dark oiled hard wood and the glass doors were at least ten feet tall and four feet wide. Decorative lampposts dotted the sidewalk around it making the dark wood walls glow with its own energy. To put it simply, the auditorium was impressive and beautiful. You couldn't even imagine what the inside looked like.

You and your friends got out of the car and walked up to the front doors of the building, your dancing clothes already on and your body ready to stretch before auditioning. Inside, dozens of people who were going to audition stood around chatting excitedly and nervously about how the auditions would go.

While Undyne and Alphys went to go sign in for all of you, you noticed Asriel and Chara standing next to each other at the other end of the long lobby. Asriel spotted you and smiled flirtatiously which only earned him a glare from you.

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